Eve of Something New

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~After School~

The bright light faded and you were once again surrounded by the busy crowds of Shibuya, none of them any the wiser as to the grand battle that had just taken place...

...or the friend that you had just lost...

Ann: "Morgana..."

Futaba: "Mona..."

Haru took out her phone, quickly scrolling through it to confirm what you all believe.

Haru: "The Meta-Nav is gone...Mementos too most likely..."

Futaba: "We can't see Mona anymore...can we?"

You lowered your head in response, not able to argue the possibility that Morgana was gone for good. Kasumi gently put her hand on your shoulder, trying to comfort you as best she could. You tightly clenched your fist, angered you had lost someone so close to you after everything you'd been through.

Ryuji: "Hey...do you think...do you think he knew we were pals? I...know I wasn't always the nicest to him..."

Ann: "He knew Ryuji, don't worry..."

Ryuji: "Yeah...gah! No! I refuse to be mopey man! We finally finished things after all!"

Ryuji did his best to hide his reaction to Mona's departure, but the rest of you were far more obvious with how you felt...especially you. Sure, everyone in the group cared for Morgana greatly, but you really felt a personal connection to him. He was like family to you...and now he was gone...

Yusuke: "What about the public? Were we able to change their hearts?"

You eavesdropped on a few nearby conversations for confirmation, hearing people talking about their Christmas dates and other activities. Finally, someone spoke of Shido, happy he was not becoming prime minister due to the shady rumours surrounding him.

You: "I think it worked..."

Haru: "I hope so..."

Makoto: "We'll just have to hope my sister can handle the rest"

Ryuji: "Yeah, from here on out, its the prosecutor's job"

Yusuke: "We really did end things...without the Metaverse...the Phantom Thieves truly are finished..."

You: "Huh...I...thought I'd be happier..."

Kasumi: "Senpai..."

Ryuji: "What I just say? Gotta stop being so gloomy! Mona would laugh at us for it ya know. I mean come on, You literally just shot a GOD in the frickin face! We should be celebrating!"

Yusuke: "Heh...I suppose there is that. Perhaps something akin to a victory toast is in order?"

Ann: "But, we're still in highschool...none of us can really drink"

Haru: "Hm...what do athletes do after a win?"

Haru turned to Ryuji and Kasumi for an answer, the two of them pondering that question for a bit.

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