The Duel

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You knew it was only a matter of time until you would see eachother again. The traitor was standing right in front of you, the one responsible for what happened to you in that interrogation room. As you walked closer to Akechi, you could feel your hands shake slightly, clenching them tight as you departed from your main group and faced Akechi...

You: "Bout time you showed. What kept you?"

Akechi: "My apologies. I'll admit your little ruse had me fooled for longer than expected"

You: "You should have known I wouldn't go down that easy"

Akechi: "Hehe...true. The time we spent together made me quite aware of your abilities F/n. I should have anticipated you wouldn't die so easily"

You: "How was that by the way? Killing me"

Akechi: "I must say, surprisingly disappointing. It was over much too quick after everything we'd been through. I suppose I should thank you..."

A devilish grin appeared on Akechi's face as he continued.

Akechi: "Now I have another chance to kill you just right..."

You: "I don't plan on dying"

Akechi: "I didn't ask for your opinion. Though, if I'm honest, I would love to see just how long this rivalry of ours could go on for. You've fit the role of my nemesis so perfectly that I'm not quite sure I want things to end here. Who knows, if we had met a few years earlier...perhaps if we could have even been friends..."

You could almost see a sincere smile appear on Akechi's face as he thought of that idea, but it was quickly replaced with a much more serious glare as he continued.

Akechi: "However, I have no room to dwell on such hypotheticals. My plan is too close to fruition to allow your interference"

Akechi looked behind your for a moment at your companions.

Akechi: "I see some of you are missing. No matter, they'll be next once I'm through here"

Ann: "But why Akechi?! Why would you cooperate with Shido? Don't you see what this Palace looks li-"

Akechi: "Idiotic ingrates like you should keep their mouths shut!"

Ann was taken by surprise by Akechi's response, the detective making a vile face to her and forcing her quiet.

Akechi: "I'm not cooperating with anyone. I don't care for Shido or this country. All this, is to make Masayoshi Shido, my father, acknowledge me...and then exact my revenge on him"

You were unsurprisingly shocked at the revelation that Shido was Akechi's father. In your time together, you had done your best to avoid the topic of his parents with Akechi, knowing he despised his father greatly.

Yusuke: "Shido is your father?!"

You: "In any other circumstances, I'd laugh at the irony that we both had our lives screwed over by Shido"

Akechi: "You're referring to your record yes? I will admit the luck that both of us would be connected to that bastard is astounding...but unlike you, my life wasn't filled with hang outs with friends, or dates with lovers. I was an outcast. A bastard child with no place in this world. I had to fight and struggle for everything! And even then, I couldn't touch Shido...he was a high ranking official by that time..."

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