Calm Before The Storm

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~After School~

Jose: "Thanks for bringing me so many flowers again. Good job!"

The peculiar denizen of Memento took your supply of flowers happily, exchanging a few items of decent value to you for them before giving you a thumbs up.

You: "Gonna make more smoothies out of them?"

Jose: "Mhm! I should be able to learn a lot from all that you've given me"

You: "You really are one strange kid Jose..."

Jose: "You think so?"

You: "Yup, though I can't exactly talk"

Jose: "I humans think strange people are bad?"

You: "That's...sort of a complicated question. Some people might not be too fond of it. Others, like myself, might think it makes you unique"

Jose: "I see...humans really are complicated, but I'm glad you think I'm unique though!"

Your conversation was interrupted as you heard the horn of the Mona-mobile behind you, spotting Ryuji in the driver's seat, looking impatient as he desperately wanted to finish up your requests from the Phan site.

You: "Guess I should be heading off"

Jose: "Mhm, see you deeper down. Don't forget to keep collecting those stamps too!"

Jose gave you his usual smile as you showed him a thumbs up in response. With your items bought, you headed back to the van, Ryuji scooting out of the driver's seat to let you in.

Ryuji: "Finally, took you long enough"

You: "What? I'm curious about him, you should be too you know! We literally know like, nothing about him"

Yusuke: "I do agree that his existence here is rather...odd... practically in every sense of the word"

Ann: "Look who's talking"

Ryuji: "Look, the kid gives us useful crap in exchange for a bunch of frickin flowers. That's all we gotta know..."

Morgana: "This is why you're not the brains of the group..."

Now in the car, you handed out some of the items you had bought from Jose, giving a few of your party members some soul drops to revitalize them slightly. After that, you headed down to the next level of Mementos, arriving at a platform to rest up before continuing on. As the other group members headed for the seats, Morgana grabbed your attention by tugging at you slightly, taking you to the side to talk.

Morgana: "Hey Joker, got a minute?"

You: "Sure, what's up?"

Morgana: "Are we gonna tell the others? About that other Palace and Kasumi?"

You looked over to your group of friends pondering the question Morgana posed for a moment.

You: "No. We're still waiting on Okumura's change of heart, no way we should be jumping into another Palace already. Plus, we don't even have a way inside unless Kasumi can repeat whatever she did last time to get in, and I'm not getting her involved with this"

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