Taking Flight

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Announcer: "Ladies and gentlemen, we have begun our initial descent into Hawaii"

You nudged Ryuji awake next to you, knowing he'd probably wanna see the view from up here on the plane. The flight over to Hawaii had been pretty uneventful, mostly spent chatting with Ryuji and Mishima or watching stuff on your phone to pass the time. Nudged awake by you, the blonde pulled off his sleeping mask to look at the view in awe.

Ryuji: "Woaaah!"

You: "Chill out, we ain't even landed yet"

Ryuji: "Dude can you blame me? This place looks like paradise!"

Mishima: "H-hey! Lemme see!"

Mishima and Ryuji both fought over you as they tried to gaze out the window, their battle only ending when a nearby attendant got involved. After the plane finally landed, you all headed off and through passport control, exiting out into the refreshing Hawaiian air. The students then split off into buses, heading towards your hotel as Ryuji gazed at everything in awe.

Ryuji: "Oh man! The ocean is so blue!"

You couldn't help but chuckle lightly at your friend's reaction, Ryuji grabbing you in a headlock after he heard it.

Ryuji: "What are you laughing about?! If anything, you're the weird one for not freaking out!"

After scruffing up your hair a bit he finally let you go, allowing you to respond.

You: "I'm not laughing at you man, I'm excited. We get to hang as buds in Hawaii after all"

Ryuji: "Heck yeah we do!"

You and Ryuji shared a small fist bump as he gave you his usual grin.

Ryuji: "So, what ya thinking we should get up to out here?"

You: "Not sure yet exactly...got a few ideas brewing, but nothing concrete just yet. You?"

Ryuji: "Dude anything involving the beach is cool with me. Foreign girls man...I think I'm in love"

You: "You never change Ryuji..."

At this point Ryuji had quickly gone back to sightseeing, practically drooling as he gazed at the women along the beach. With the free time on the bus ride yours to use, you sent Kasumi a message, telling her you had landed safely.

You: "Hey dude, smile for the camera"

Ryuji: "Aw yeah! First pic in Hawaii!"

Ryuji leaned in close to you as you took a picture together, his trademark grin clearly present. With the picture taken you sent it off to Kasumi and the others, getting a few text messages in response. After that, you joined in with Ryuji, marvelling at the new sights you could see on your bus ride, and excited to explore Hawaii as much as you could.


Once the bus ride finished, you made your way into the hotel, splitting up to room with Mishima for your trip. After receiving your keys, the two of you headed up to the room to drop off your things.

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