Plans Set In Motion

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~After School~

The pitter patter of casino chips as they landed on the abnormally large scale was oddly satisfying, a grin on your face as the pile became larger and larger. After battling through plenty of security and playing Sae's games, you had finally gotten to the manager's floor, in no small part thanks to Akechi and his quick thinking.

You: "Nice work Crow"

Akechi: "Thank you. I do aim to please after all"

Makoto: "We should get moving, or sis may end up wanting two million chips soon"

You: "Right"

You all quickly bolted it up the newly created bridge, entering the next room and finding the hazy cloud that signified the treasure. After a brief discussion, you all returned to the exit, happy to have finally secured your infiltration route.

Futaba: "Alright Joker! We'll be waiting on you like always"

Yusuke: "I ask that you give me a modicum of time however, I wish this final calling card to be of the highest quality"

You: "Heh, will do. Alright people, get back home and rest up"

Haru: "Will do!"

Ryuji: "Don't gotta tell me twice. I'm burnt out man!"

One by one your companions exited the Metaverse, fading out of your current plane of existence. You were about to do the same, but were stopped as you felt Akechi's hand on your shoulder.

Akechi: "Sorry to intrude, but may I ask for a moment of your time in this place?"

You looked at Akechi curiously, wondering what he was up to as you gave him a nod. You turned back to Morgana, who was still waiting for to leave with you.

You: "Go ahead, I'll catch up?"

Morgana: "Huh? You sure?"

Akechi: "I assure you we won't be long"

Morgana felt a bit uneasy leaving the two of you alone together, but eventually left, Akechi now leading you a bit away from the Palace through the empty streets.

You: "So...what do you need me for?"

Akechi: "I'll explain in a moment"

After a bit more walking Akechi finally stopped, the two of you now stood in the middle of a large crossroad.

Akechi: "This should do nicely"

You: "For what?"

Akechi turned back around to you, pulling out his gun and aiming it towards you head. You were a bit surprised, but quickly tried to regain your composure.

Akechi: "This"

You tensed up for a moment. Had he decided to make his move prematurely? You already knew what he was planning...but maybe he knew that as well. You quickly tried to regain your composure.

You: "Well...this is unexpected"

Akechi: "Remember what I told you at Kichijoji? If you ever won against me in billiards with me using my right hand...I'd take you on with everything I have"

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