Nothing But Heartache

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Announcer: "Yongen-Jaya. This is. Yongen-Jaya"

Something weird was going on.

Throughout your ride back, you had been observing the train carriage surrounding you out of the corner of your eye. Everyone looked so happy, abnormally so despite being crammed into the box car so tightly. Exiting the train at your stop, you continued your walk back to Leblanc, trying to piece together a reasonable explanation as to what was going on. As you entered the familiar café, you saw Sojiro working behind the counter, as well as a young black haired man he was serving.

Sojiro: "Oh hey! Was wondering when you'd turn up"

Black haired man: "Same here, good to see you. Happy New Year!"

You were a bit confused by the customer's familiar tone with you, but brushed it aside as you went upstairs to deposit your bag down. Looking around your room, you quickly noted the absence of Morgana, part of you hoping to get his help to figure out what was going on. You headed back down to the café, taking a seat at the counter.

You: "Hey...have you noticed anything...weird going on?"

Sojiro: "Hm? What do you mean?"

You: "I don't know...just weird..."

Sojiro put a hand on his chin for a moment, thinking about it before giving you an answer.

Sojiro: "Nothing springs to mind. Why do you ask?"

You: "I don't know, I think everyone is playing a trick on me"

Black haired man: "Does this have something to do with what happened at the shrine? Makoto and the others messaged me and told me you had been acting strange"

You looked at the man perplexed, wondering what he was talking about. You quickly pulled out your phone and opened your chat, seeing the icon of the man in front of you.

You: "Why the hell are you in our chat?"

Black haired man: "Huh? Why wouldn't I be? You really are acting odd"

He was the odd one. You had never met this person, yet he seemed so familiar with you, and was even a part of your chat. You gave him a closer look, trying to place him and figure out who he was, to no avail.

Sojiro: "Look, maybe you should just eat and get some rest. Your mind is probably just jumbled up from starting a new year"

You: "Yeah...right..."

You grabbed some snacks out of the fridge and headed upstairs, the customer and Sojiro looking at you concerned as you went. Despite grabbing them, you weren't at all hungry, your mind completely confused as to what was going on. Not wanting to add to it at all, you stayed in your room for the rest of the evening, eventually falling asleep from exhausting your mind...

~The Next Day - Early Morning~

You were pulled from your slumber as you felt a warm breeze hit your face, your mind suddenly becoming fully apparent of a presence with you in your bed. Your eyes shot open, seeing the black haired man laying next to you. Shocked, you practically fell out of bed, looking at him angrily.

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