Starting From Scratch

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~After School~

Makoto: "That's...a lot to process..."

Yusuke: "Indeed..."

Ann: "So to sum up. Maruki messed up reality, Kasumi is actually her sister, and Akechi isn't trying to kill us for once?"

Akechi: "A very blunt summary...but yes"

Despite the abnormal circumstances, you had spent today at school, before heading back to Leblanc to discuss things with the others. The night before, Futaba had explained how she and the others had come to their senses, breaking free of the distortions Maruki surrounded them in. Not only that, you had once again visited the Velvet Room in your dreams, Lavenza and Igor seemingly offering their services to you once more. Overall, it seemed business was back to usual with the Phantom Thieves...much to your dismay. While at Shujin today, you had spotted Sumire a few times, making a bit of small talk, but leaving her to her own devices for the most part as she tried to process everything going on.

Haru: "Speaking of...why isn't Kas-...Sumire-chan here?"

You: "She told me she needs some time to sort things out"

Makoto: "Are the two of you...still on good terms?"

You: "Yeah, but all's really done a number on her"

Futaba: "She's not the only one...that was a crazy info dump you just handed us"

Akechi: "In any case, I hope none of you are having doubts about our mission now that you've heard Maruki's reasoning"

Ryuji: "Nah. We all agreed when we came into that Palace. We were fighting for the reality we believed in, and I ain't gonna stop"

Yusuke: "Neither am I. I still believe changing the doctor's heart in hopes of going back to our reality is the best course of action"

You: "I'm...happy to hear that..."

You really were relieved to have your allies back, happy to know their supported your wishes to return home.

Morgana: "I guess our next course of action is set. We have to go back to the Palace and set up our infiltration route"

Futaba: "There is just one major thing bugging me...why is it that Maruki can affect reality so easy? I mean sure, he was one of the top researchers on cognitive psience beside my Mom, but that doesn't really explain it"

Akechi: "I've been doing my best to gather intel on the source of his abilities...but have come up empty handed"

You felt your phone vibrate in your pocket, getting a call from an unknown number. Confused, you answered, expecting a advertiser or something.

Lavenza: "Good day. This is Lavenza"

You: "Lavenza? You still have my number?"

Ryuji: "Wait what?!"

Lavenza: "Indeed. Your will of rebellion has reached new heights. My master and I would like to aid that will once more"

You: "That'd be a big help"

Futaba: "Talk about perfect timing! She tap your phone line or something?"

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