After School Activities

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~After School~

Takemi: "That should keep you going for a while"

You: "Thanks"

Tae handed you the medicine you had bought from her, restocking your supplies of items in preparation for your infiltration of Sae's Palace tomorrow. After seeing Akechi's power first hand, as well as getting a feel of the new Palace and the security it had, you thought it'd be wise to stock up on healing items, not wanting to burn out your healers such as Morgana and Ann. However despite your best intentions you were still quite tired from your escapades in the Metaverse, your body feeling quite sluggish as you completed your transaction.

Takemi: "This is a much larger amount than usual..."

You: "I might end up needing more soon...sorry"

Takemi: "Hmmm..well I'd have more for you if I wasn't so busy these days. Ever since you resolved that business with Oyamada, things have been pretty busy for me"

You: "Guess I kinda shot myself in the foot there huh?"

Takemi: "Heh, I'll try to keep some stock reserved to the side just for you, my loyal guinea pig"

You: "Thanks Tae"

Takemi: "All jokes aside, you sure you're doing alright?"

You: "Yeah, just...things are crazy for us right now"

Takemi: "That's putting it mildly. I mean, I saw the news broadcast...thirty million yen is a lot"

You: "Thinking of turning me in?"

Takemi: "Now what kind of establishment would I be running if I turned in my best customer?"

You: "I'm honestly kinda surprised you haven't asked me anything about the rumours regarding Okumura..."

Takemi: "You of all people should know that I detest rumours...and know first hand how wrong they can be"

Takemi gave you a light smirk as she spoke, reassuring you that your secret identity as a Phantom Thief was still safe with her, and she still trusted you were on the right side of justice. As you packed away the items you had bought, the good doctor continued to chat with you.

Takemi: "Speaking of rumours, I've been hearing some pretty juicy ones about you from Sakura-san...he likes to talk my ear off when I come in for a coffee"

You: "What's he been saying?"

Takemi: "Just everything about that girlfriend of yours. I occasionally see the two of you around Yongen as well. She seems like a nice young girl"

You: "She's an honour student at Shujin"

Takemi: "Heh, guess you hit the jackpot in that regard"

You: "Maybe I can introduce you to her sometime"

Takemi: "I'm sure she has better things to do than meet her boyfriend's local doctor. Let me know if she needs anything for her studies though, I'd be happy to help out"

You: "Dependable as always Tae"

Takemi: "Least I can do for all you did for me. Always remember that my doors are open to you if you're ever in need of help"

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