Your Reward

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~Early Morning~

The feeling of waking up to someone beside you...

You had almost forgotten it...

As you slowly opened your eyes that morning though, you were reminded how wonderful it felt, Sumire's arms wrapped around one of yours as she laid there sound asleep. You smiled as you looked at her, slowly opening your eyes and moving one of your hands to stroke her hair gently. You could hear her breathe out deeply as she felt your touch, her body relaxing as you laid together. You stayed there for a while, simply admiring her.

You: "I'm a lucky guy..."

Sumire: "Sen...pai..."

You could hear Sumire mutter for you in her sleep, wondering what was going through that mind of hers. You leaned down slowly, and pressed your lips against her a few times, giving her kisses. Each kiss rose her slightly more out of her sleep, her body slowly responding as she began to kiss you back. Eventually, you felt her hand on your cheek, your lover now kissing you fully, seemingly awake. You slowly pulled away, watching her open her eyes with a smile.

Sumire: "Good you too..."

You chuckled lightly, Sumire resting her forehead on yours as she stretched her body, trying to wake herself up fully.

You: "Sleep well?"

Sumire: "Mhm...I going to practice though..."

You: "This early?"

Sumire nodded, getting to her feet and yawning loudly, her hair a bit messy from sleeping. You joined her as you hopped out of bed, watching Sumire search through her bag until she found a hairbrush.

You: "Hey, let me"

Sumire: "Mm...thanks..."

You took the hairbrush from her, sitting her down on the bed as you began to tidy up her hair. As you worked, you occasionally had to nudge Sumire, your lover dozing off as you brushed her hair.

You: "Now who's the sleepy head?"

Sumire: "Your fault...for warm...and cuddly..."

You could see her eyelids dropping as she spoke, nudging her awake once more and trying to hold back your laughter.

Sumire: "What...are you doing today senpai?"

You: "Me? Hm...not too much planned. I gotta head out to Shinjuku tonight and send out a few more invitations?"

Sumire: "Shinjuku?"

You: "Relax. No one weird, just that journalist we worked with and a fortune teller I know..."

Sumire: "You really...have some strange friends senpai..."

You: "Definitely...this gymnast I know is the weirdest of the bunch though..."

You smirked, Sumire leaning back and poking you in the cheek, an unamused look on her face. You rolled your eyes and finished brushing her hair, the crimson locks now looking much better.

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