Fun in the Sun

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All things considered, you felt pretty good today. Your body having recovered from your final infiltration of Futaba's palace. After her power nap, the young hacker had dealt with Medjed once and for all, doing it surprisingly stylishly and leaving the tech equivalent of your calling card. As a result, support for the Phantom Thieves skyrocketed, and you gained a new member of the team in 'Alibaba'. For her practice in becoming less shy, Futaba had been roped into helping in Leblanc, cleaning the dishes as you and Sojiro served customers.

Futaba: "Eep!"

You: "I think customers would prefer their cups without cracks"

Futaba: "I-I know that, dummy!"

Sojiro: "Are you sure you're up for this Futaba?"

Futaba: "N-no sweat!"

???: "Good morning!"

Sojiro: "Welcome, what can I- oh! You're that girl!"

You looked over to the front door to see Kasumi walking in, her summer outfit on as she approached the counter.

You: "Oh hey! You shoulda told me you were coming"

Kasumi: "Sorry! I wanted it to be a surprise. How's my favorite senpai?"

You: "Better now you're here"

Sojiro: "Easy there Cassanova. He's working right now, but I'll let him serve you"

Kasumi: "Thank you very much!"

Kasumi gave her usual bow, Sojiro not sure how to react as he kept himself busy behind the counter.

You: "So, what can I get you?"

Kasumi: "Just some curry, please. I jogged all the way here so I worked up a pretty hefty appetite"

You: "Coming right up"

Kasumi gave you a gentle smile in response before sitting down. You and Sojiro got to work making her meal, leaving Futaba alone as she continued to clean.

You: "She uhh, likes pretty large portions, just saying"

Sojiro: "Long as she's paying this time. Futaba? Could you hand me a plate?"

There was no response from Futaba's end. You were both so busy cooking you didn't have time to look up to see what she was doing.

Sojiro: "Futaba?"

Kasumi: "Oh my!"

With your assistance to Sojiro over, you looked up to see what was going on, Futaba hiding behind the counter and glaring over to Kasumi with her giant mask on.

Futaba: "Staaaaaaaare...."

You: "S-sorry about her..."

Kasumi: "Is she a new part-timer?"

Sojiro: "In a way. She' my care"

Kasumi: "Well I'm sure that mask of hers will definitely make for a....unique experience for customers"

You: "Would you take that thing off?!"

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