Rest and Relaxation

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Feeling a bit sluggish, you gently began to open your eyes to view your surroundings. You were in your room, still dressed up in your outfit from the Halloween party despite resting on your bed. You were about to get up to check the time on your phone to see how late it really was, but were stopped as you felt and arm wrapped around yours. Looking over to the source, you spotted Kasumi resting peacefully next to you, also dressed up in her Jack Frost costume from before. It seemed the two of you had fallen asleep after cuddling together in bed. Slowly, Kasumi opened her eyes too, seeing you half way in the middle of trying to get up.

Kasumi: "nngh...senpai? What time is it?"

Kasumi unwrapped her arm from yours as she rubbed her eyes awake. As she did, you took out your phone, seeing it was around one AM at this point.

You: "One AM"

Kasumi: "What?! Oh no...the last train back has already gone!"

Kasumi quickly took out her phone. Looking over, you could see multiple missed calls and messages from her father, the young girl quickly standing up and giving her Dad a call.

Kasumi: "Dad? It's me....I know I'm sorry! I was over at F/n's and we just laid down to relax and I guess I must have fallen asleep..."

Kasumi continued apologizing to her father as you stretched on the bed, slowly getting up from it just in time for Kasumi to hand you the phone.

Kasumi: "He wants to talk to you"

Nervously, you took the phone, trying to remove all trace of your drowsiness from your voice before you spoke.

You: "Heya..."

Shinichi: "Hello F/n"

You: "I'm really sorry sir, we honestly just fell asleep and lost track of time"

Shinichi: "No harm done"

You had to do a slight double take as you heard his response, expecting something much harsher. Guess he really was going against all the stereotypes you had in your head.

You: "You're...not mad?"

Shinichi: "Perhaps a little bit, but I'm just glad you two are alright, I was getting pretty worried"

You could hear Mr. Yoshizawa let out a heavy sigh in relief before continuing.

Shinichi: "Normally I would head on over to Yongen by car and pick her up..."

You: "But?"

Shinichi: "But...the studio called and need me in right now, something about half the damn footage getting corrupted. Are you able to accommodate for my daughter staying the night?"

You: "Huh? mean stay the"

Kasumi: "S-Stay the night!?"

Shinichi: "Unless you have anywhere else she could go? Under normal circumstances I wouldn't ask this, but I don't have anyone else to turn to"

You: "W-Well...I guess it should be fine..."

Shinichi: "Thanks F/n. I should be able to pick her up early in the morning so she can get ready for school on time. Until then, she's in your care"

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