Night Life Wonders

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~After School~

Summertime showers had become a more common occurrence these days. Despite the gloomy weather, things were going well for you. The heist of Madarame's desires had been successful and word of the Phantom Thieves and their heroics had spread quickly. For now, you could settle back into your normal school life. The crowds of students leaving school quickly separated into two categories: the ones that had to sprint to the station to avoid getting soaked, and the ones lucky enough to have an umbrella. You began to make your way down the steps to the exit of the school, preparing yourself to sprint as you ended up in the former group of students. Once outside, you spotted Kasumi, looking concerned as to how she'd get back herself.

Kasumi: "Ah senpai, what a pleasant surprise"

You: "Heya"

Kasumi was dressed up in her summer uniform, clearly not protected enough from the elements.

Kasumi: "It's really pouring down isn't it?"

Morgana: "I thought something like this would happen, so I snuck a collapsible umbrella into your bag"

You: "You earned yourself some tuna"

Without even seeing his face, you could sense Morgana's approval of your reaction. Reaching into your bag, you pulled out the umbrella.

Kasumi: "Well, see you round"

You: "Hey, wanna walk together again? I came prepared"

Kasumi turned back around to see you holding the umbrella, her eyes lighting up slightly as she responded.

Kasumi: "Dependable as always senpai. Thank you so much!"

With that you both went on your way, holding up the umbrella for you both as Kasumi stuck close to you all the way to the station.

Kasumi: "I was honestly kinda worried about catching a cold. Prelims are coming up soon after all"

You: "Is that a gymnastics thing?"

Kasumi: "Yup, that's right. Two huge competitions are coming up. One at the beginning of summer and one near the end. To even participate though, I have to be selected as my club's representative, which theres a qualifier for too"

You: "Sounds complicated"

Kasumi: "Maybe a little. It's my dream to compete in gymnastics on a global level"

You: "I'll be sure to cheer you on then"

Kasumi: "I'd feel invincible if I had you cheering me on senpai-"

Before she could finish talking, a group of students rushed by in the rain, barging into Kasumi. You acted fast, catching her gently before she could fall.

You: "You okay?"

Kasumi looked up at you as you held her with your free hand, with you giving her a caring smile. A split second later, you could see a small blush on her face, before she regained your composure and regained her footing.

Kasumi: "Y-yes! Sorry...they just startled me is all...oh...we're already at the station..."

You: "Gonna miss me?"

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