Homebound Developments

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Sojiro: "Yo, welcome back! You get tanned a bit?"

Futaba: "How was Hawaii?"

You: "Aloha!"

You gave Futaba and Sojiro a proper Hawaiian greeting, glad to finally be back home after the long flight.

Futaba: "He's been Hawaiianized!"

You: "I brought everyone souvenirs"

You handed everyone their things, giving Futaba the tiki mask, attaching the small palm tree to Morgana's collar, and handing Sojiro his Hawaiian shirt.

Futaba: "Aw yeah! DLC costume unlocked!"

Sojiro: "Seriously? Couldn't think of anything more original for me?"

Futaba: "Put it on Sojirooooo!"

Sojiro: "No way! You kids will end up taking a picture of me and I'll end up on some website somewhere"

  Morgana: "Thanks for the gift, but we need to talk. Things have been getting more complicated while you were gone"

Interrupting Morgana, a broadcast focusing on Phantom Thief related merchandise played, the popularity of your group showing to have definitely increased in your time abroad. Beyond that, Akechi also made an appearance, his stance on you and the others seemingly having softened after what happened with Kaneshiro.

Sojiro: "These thieves are more popular than the police or politicians. What's the world coming to..."

You: "Not a usual occurrence when people get to enjoy modern-day Robin Hoods after all"

Sojiro: "Guess that's one way of looking at it, maybe I'll put a 'Phantom Curry' on the menu or something. In any case, I gotta take a leak, man the store for a bit"

Sojiro quickly left for the bathroom, leaving you, Futaba, and Morgana together.

Futaba: "You know, I finished analyzing the data, wanna meet up now?"

Halfway through her speaking, you could feel your eyes begin to shut, your body still tired from traveling, and the change of time zones.

Futaba: "Jet lag? Seriously?"

You: "S-sorry..."

Futaba: "Fine, tomorrow then. Thanks again for the souvenir F/n"

You nodded, happy Futaba enjoyed her gift. After Sojiro came back, you headed upstairs to relax, happy he was understanding enough to know you were tired.

You: "So, how are you Morgana? Was honestly surprised how much I missed you on the trip"

Morgana: "I'm...okay...and, thanks for the gift and all...but it's not exactly gonna be useful once I turn back into a human..."

You: "Y-yeah...guess you're right..."

You rubbed your nape, embarrassed you hadn't thought about the gift for Morgana a bit more to make sure it didn't offend him. As you relaxed on the couch, Morgana sat far from you, quietly mumbling to yourself.

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