Chapter Three

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Sorry for the late update have just been busy lately and thinking of what to write and regulate my view and stuff and I hope you guys are enjoying the story so far and let me know what you think by leaving a comment on anything thank you and happy Easter 🍬🐰🌺🥚🥚🥚.........

It's been four days now since my boyfriend asked me to go out with him and I know my family won't let me out so I'll just tell them I'm having a sleep over at Elena's am actually excited but I totally don't have what to wear oh am sure Elena will know of something let me call her up.


She pick after just the second ring
"Can you come over to my house real quick"
"Sure I'll be there in a blink of an eye" She said turning all Banshee on the other side of the line
"Ok I'll be expecting"

*Call Ended"

20 minutes later

It's already 5:30 and Elena is not here yet, my room door opened and Elena walked in,
"Finally where have you been" I said been nervous

"Hey I was busy no need to shout"

"Ok I don't know what to wear come and help me"

" Ok fine cmon move let me work my magic"

She said that with so much confidence that why I like her so much they always say tell your best friend everything well she does know everything and I know she'll ask me about everything

After thirty minutes of checking and trying out cloth we finally found what to wear we talked and chat and had some drinks after that it was almost 7pm so we had to be out before then we told our family were to go Elena place.

we went outside and wait for my boyfriend to arrive after 7minutes of waiting we saw him pull over with his black Mercedes Benz and me and Elena said goodbye and then she whisper to my ear

'You'll tell me all about it' and we laughed and I went to meet Christopher he pecked me and he opened the door for me to get in after thirty minutes of driving we finally arrived at a five star restaurant he got out and open the door for me, we walk in and a lady walked up to us and ask,

"Would you like a table or do you have a reservation".

'Yes we do have a reservation" Christopher replied

"Name please"

"Christopher Davison"

"Yes right this way please"

We followed her to our table and she handed us our menu

"In the main time do you what would you like to drink" The lady asked

"I'll have some wine please" I said

"What about you sir" She asked referring to Christopher

"I'll have the same"

She left and came back with our wine and left to select from our menu few minutes later she came back and take our order After that we went to his house and made love to each other if you know I mean I mean sex all through out the night..........................................

Toodules have a nice day, night, week

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