Chapter Nine

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Just as always the kids were up and already in my room so before they started shouting and jumping on my bed I got up

"Alright kids need to jump and yell I'm already up ok"

"Good morning mummy" Both of them said in union and hugged me

"Morning sweethearts how was your night hope you didn't have any nightmare" I said and showered them with kisses all over their face

"No mummy we slept very well mummy" Mason my son said

"Ok now both of you should go and brush your teeth ok and then later we'll all go to the movie okay" Both of them stood up and ran out while jumping in excitement I stood up and went and freshened up soon after I went down stairs and then my kids started following up close behind and so did Maya I have a house helper but weekdays are her off day me and Maya went to the kitchen and made breakfast and the kids were just jumping and yelling we are hungry we prepared breakfast and we all ate after eating we went out and play at the kids playing spot later we went inside and then the kids were watching cartoon

Later my phone started ringing I checked my phone to see the caller and it was E

'Hm look who's come back from the dead' I said while laughing

'Well nice to hear from you too'

'How are you it's been like for ever how've you been how's work when are you coming back from Germany.... ' Elena cut me off

'Hey hey hey hey one question at a time and yes I'm fine and everything going great and speaking of I'll be coming to new York soon and how are the twins oh I've missed them so much I can wait to see them again' I'm happy she's coming back

'Really I can't wait for you to be back and the the twins will be so happy and then they'll disturb me less'

'Yes and don't tell the twin I want it to be a surprise to them so don't tell them okay'

'Ok fine I'll not tell them but don't worry I won't tell them when will you be coming back' I said

'I don't know yet but I'll let you know when I'll be coming back'

'Ok bye can't wait for you to be back'

We said our goodbyes and then I went to go meet the kids in their room

"Ok kids let get ready and then we'll go to the movies" We all got changed and we all went to the movies

"Alright kids let which movies will you like to watch"

"Let watch pixar onward" Mason said but the Maddie said

"No let watch Frozen 2"

And then both of them started arguing

"Ok ok stop now let do this first we'll watch pixar onward and then frozen at least then we'll get to watch two movies right Maya"

She nodded and then the kids agreed too so that night we ended up watch two movies and when we got back we were all so tired and then the kids went to their room and brush their teeth and then change into their pajamas and then me and Maya talked and had a drink or two or three can't remember but then we all went to bed........

Alright thank you so much guy's here's another chapter for you guys and there is that about this virus pandemic and I hope we'll all get through this tough time just remember to stay at home and stay safe always



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