Chapter Sixteen

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"What are you doing here" I said raising my voice at him he's got some nerves showing up here like that I mean who the hell does he think he is

"Are those my kids" Chris asked looking behind past me up to where the kids were

"There are not your kids there my kids and only mine you haven't been in their lives what makes you think you can now all of a sudden you..... "

"You can't stop me from seeing my children" He said raising his voice at me I didn't know what got into me but I raised my hands and gave him a tight slap across his it could be heard across the room and Elena gasp behind me

"Your kids last time I checked you didn't want this same children in your life do you remember or should I make you remember what you said that Day at the changing rooms at school huh tell me and then you left for Australia now you call them your children"

He was about to say something but stopped him immediately

"No you listen to me do you know I had dropped out of school the moment my stomach started to grow bigger and on my fourth month I started to have crisis and spend the rest of the 6month in the hospital" I was already tearing up at this point

"I know what I did was wrong and I'm sorry please forgive me"

"Forgive you I waited all those years I waiting for you but you didn't come you know what I had enough now leave" I grabbed him by the wrist and threw him out and shut the door on his face

"Nathan maybe you should give him a chan.. "

I raised my hand a little with a stop sign which made her stop talking before I added

"Elena please don't even think about it okay I'm taking the kids to the movies you coming" I told her and waited for a reply she nodded a yes and then I told her to be ready in thirty and the same for Maya

With being said I walked my way upstairs whilst calling Liam to the car ready and went to the kids room I unlocked the door and went in they were playing when I got in

"Mommy" The both of them ran to me immediately they spotted me and hugged me

"Mommy who was that man" Mason asked looking up at me "yes mommy who is he" Maddie added both looking up at me waiting for an answer

What do I tell them do I tell them that he's their Daddy or what " We just work together "

"But why we're you mad when you saw him" Mason asked giving me a questioning look on his face

"Because he always makes mommy cry" I answered his question he was about to ask another question but I immediately changed the topic or else he'll just keep asking more and more questions "You know a little bird told me that we're going to the movies today" I said and the both of them started jumping with excitement and saying yay yay yay yay

"Alright then let's not waste any more time as it is let's go get you ready"

Few minutes later we were all ready and on our way to the movies the kids were so excited I had already promised myself to forget about what happened earlier today and to spend the rest of the day with the kids it'll be nice to plan a vacation especially now that the kids are on holiday and Elena and Maya are also here

But were can we go to though I'll have to think about about a nice place to go on vacation "we're here" Maddie shouted I looked out through the class and saw that we were all ready there

We got down and I told Liam to park the car and then should come and join us inside after he's parked the car we walked over to get our ticket

"Alright kids what do want to watch" They both looked at each other before the both of them said trolls and then bought three tickets to watch trolls world tour while Elena and Maya as well as Liam watch an action movie

An hour and 36 minutes later we were doing watching trolls but the movie the other were watching was a little bit longer so we had to wait for them so went more popcorn few minutes later they were also out and we left the kids wanted ice cream so we had to and get some

When we got home it was a bit late around the noon we were busy in the kitchen preparing dinner while the kids were busy watching a kids show my phone began to ring in my pocket and I pulled it out to see who was calling I saw the callers IDs it was my mom so much has been going on lately that I had even forgotten to call her I immediately answered the call

"Hey mummy" I said with a low voice and waited for her to say something

"I am so mad at you you haven't called me in weeks" She said with an angry voice at the other side of the line

"I know mun I'm sorry please forgive me I've just been busy lately"

"Whatever where are my grandkids"

"Does that mean I'm forgiven"

"No you aren't forgiven yet just let me speak to my grandkids" I left the kitchen and went to the hand the phone over to the kids to speak with their grandmother I told her Elena was here and she demanded to talk to her

"So mum how's my sister"

"You know how she is she's always busy at work"

"Alright mum tell her I said hi"

"Sure will and you better don't forget to call me or else I'll come there and whip your ass okay"

"Alright maa I won't forget bye"

With that said the call was disconnected and we returned to finish preparing dinner and then we all decided to go to bed and rest and we all went to our various room I got the kids changed into their pajamas and then went ahead to my room I was about to close my eyes when the door to my room opened and the kids came in

"Mommy can we sleep with you tonight" Mason said with a sweet and calm voice how cute

"Alright both of you come sleep beside me"

Both Maddie and Mason got on the bed and came to sleep beside me I turned to both of them and placed my hand around them before saying 'good night '.

Why am I feeling so Apprehensive like something was not right something bad is gonna happen and I don't know what it was

I was soon hit with a strong pain to my heart It felt like something had been stabbed into my heart and then I stood up and poured some water in a glass

And then all of a sudden I just said 'Chris' and immediately I said that name I felt tear drop from my eyes and started to roll down my checks


Peace out thank you so much guy's for 2K reads love you so much guy's thank you all a lot now let get to 3K reads

Adios Amigos

Coming soon

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