Chapter Fifteen

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The Next Day.

"Mommy Mommy Wake up" Oh the kids what do they want now can't they let me sleep in peace for once

I groaned and said "What is it let me sleep go and stay with your aunties" My eyes still shut and hugged the pillow on my bed

"We're hungry and we don't know where Aunt Maya and Aunt Elena are" Mason said he's always hungry anyways so where might those two be leaving my alone with these two

"Alright let go to the kitchen and get you two breakfast" 

They excitingly ran down and I put my pillow aside got up and wash my face and slouchingly walked my way to the kitchen they already had their seat and said they wanted cereal and poured them two different cereal into a bowl for them and added milk Maddie and Mason had each cereal they liked and disliked so

"Alright both let go sit on the couch and watch cartoon" I said to the both of them and they got up and I helped them carried their cereal for them

Few minutes later Maya and Elena walked in laughing I got up and walked up to them and cleared my throat to get their attention they turned to me making eye contact with them

"Mmm may I asked where the both of you were leaving me alone with two letting them disturb me"

"We took a stroll at the garden and we didn't expect them to wake up this early as they had slept in late" Elena said whilst walking to the kitchen and taking out a bottle of water from the fridge

"By the way why we're you home late yesterday I had forgotten to ask" Maya asked

"Long story don't wanna talk about it" I really didn't want to talk about it what would I have said about what happened last night

'Ding Dong'

The door bell rang Maya stood up to go and see who's that but I stopped

"Don't worry I'll get it" I stood up and walked up to the door and opened the door when I opened the door I couldn't believe my eyes I just stood there in shock what was he doing here on my door step I was surprised to see Chris here

"We need to talk" He said and I just there and said nothing

"Who's at the door" Elena called out from the kitchen but I couldn't answer when I didn't answer she and Maya came out of the kitchen and told Maya to take the kids up stairs

"Cmon kids let me take you upstairs to watch you cartoon"
Maya took the kids upstairs  and soon came back downstairs it was good there weren't here to see what was going to happen next. . .

What do you think is going to happen now stay tuned gracias till next time see y'all xoxo

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