Chapter Nineteen

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As I walked downstairs I saw Elena standing there waiting for me already

And then I started to walk faster down the stairs and then when I got to where she was standing I playfully grabbed her by the arm to a corner

As we started to whisper to one another

"Why did you have to tell the kids " I started off

"What they were asking so many questions that my head was about to explode and then I had no other choice than to just tell them the truth"

"You better be greatful I was planning on killing you"

"Oh Really" She said in sarcastic way

"Yes Really, Anyways where's Maya"

" Kitchen preparing Lunch" She replied

"Well thank goodness cause I'm actually really hungry come on let go"

"I think you owe me an appreciation" Elena said as we were walking to the kitchen

"Hm Really and why's that" I said while I fold my arms and we stop walking

" For telling the kids of course I know it will have taken you days if not month before they'll know "

"Really" I said


"Well then I think you deserve it so here" I said before I raised my middle finger to her which means 'fuck you' and then continue walking

"You know I'll just take that as a Thank you so you're welcome" She said walking behind me causing me to smile

As I walked into the kitchen I saw the kids sitting over by the counter while Maya was still busy cooking

" Mummy " I heard the children called out in excitement as I walked up to them and gave them a kiss on both their checks

"Mmmmmm that smells so nice Maya" I said to Maya the food indeed smells so nice making my stomach grumbled

" Well thank you it will soon be done so you'll have the opportunity to taste it "

"Well then cause I actually can't wait"

I heard my ringing in my pocket I pulled it out to see who is was calling and then I saw it was my mom calling

I answered the call and walked out of the kitchen

"Hello Mum"  I said to her at the other side of the phone

"Hello son how are you" She asked me

"I'm fine mum"

"Ok um I just called to tell you that me and your sister will be coming to visit soon"

I was really so happy to hear that that causes really no ones love can be compared to a mother's love and that just what I need right now

"Really I see Amber has decided to take a break from work well then let me know when your going to be coming"

"Alright darling say hello to my babies for me"

"Alright mom Love you"

"Love you too hon" My mom said as we disconnected the call

I walked back to the kitchen and saw Maya and Elena setting and the I also help in setting the table

" Mason go and call your daddy to come down and eat"

"Ok mummy"

"But I also want to go and call daddy " Maddie said while she fold her arms with a sad face

"Okay you both can go and call daddy"

I watch as they both stood up and ran up the stairs

I saw all three of them walking down the stairs talking while Maddie was standing over at the right side holding his hand and Mason at the other side doing the same

I smiled when I saw that and only wonder what they could be talking about

"You know you can all be one happy family if you wish to " Elena leaned over and said silently close to my ear I just rolled my eyes at here as all three of them stepped into the kitchen

Mason sat at the chair close to me christopher at the middle and Maddie at the other side of christopher as we all started eating

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