Chapter Seven

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Today I had decided that I'll tell Christopher about the babies and to know if he wants to be part of their lives I came to think about it cause it'll be unfair to keep the truth about his baby from him..

I got up from bed and jumped into the shower and had a bath I went down stairs but my mom and sister had already left but she left a note

'Good morning son hope you had a wonderful night sorry I had to go to work early today something Important came up so I had to go to work and your sister had to be at school early but I had prepared breakfast for you and I've placed it on the counter heat it up if it's has gotten cold love you bye' My mom she's always the best

I had eaten what she had prepared and took with some orange juice and took the bus to school...

I was not still absolutely sure weather or not I should tell Chris about the babies or not but I had decided and made up my mind to tell him
Few minutes later I was standing in front of the school gate but then Elena came and tapped my shoulder

"Hey, How are you".?

" Great You " I bearly answered

"So how are the babies" And with that my heart started pounding fast

"There great hey um I've decided to tell Chris about the babies you're right he deserves to know I shouldn't keep the truth away from him"

"You've made the right choice Nate and I'll be with you no matter what Okay" She said patting my shoulder reassuring me everything was going to be alright and head to our first class I had physics class now while Elena had I think Chemistry

Our first two periods went by so fast that we were already heading to the cafeteria for lunch we came across Christopher and he was getting ready for football practice so I called him back to the changing room and as soon as we were in he closed the door behind me and pecked me on my lips

" I have to tell you something "
But his inmates we calling him to hurry up

"Hey can't we talk about this later or something okay"

But then I stopped him with the one word that I was debating to say

"I'm pregnant" There I said it I finally said it

"What" Now he has diverted all his attention to me

"Yes it's true I'm pregnant"

"How's that possible I mean____" I had cut him off

"I don't know how but we're having twin's" I took out the picture of the scan and showed it to him

"But you're not planning on keeping them right"

My world seemed to stopped immediately when he said those words

"What do you mean" I asked I could feel tears Welling up in my eyes

"I'm not ready yet and besides we've not graduated yet what would people say"

"But you're ______" He stormed out of the room half way before I completed my sentence and slammed the door behind him my world seemed to stopped moving everything around me was spinning it was as if my heart had been ripped out of my chest and I just fell to my knees and started crying I couldn't move I just kneel there and just crying and then I heard the door open and close I didn't even bothered to checked who it was but then the person came and sat down besides me

"Hey what wrong" It was Elena and immediately I pulled her into a hug

" Elena he doesn't want me to keep the baby he doesn't want to be part of their lives Elena "

"Hey it's ok it doesn't matter what he thinks ok what matters is you're decision ok so now you'll have to decide weather to keep the baby or not"

"You're right Elena and I've made up my mind and I'll keep the baby and be there for them and take care of them and provide for them" I stood up and wipe my tears

"Cmon let go to the class now or else we'll be late" The rest of the class went by so fast but I couldn't concentrate on anything the teacher was saying Elena had escorted me home that day and cheer me up...

Day skip..

It's been four days since I told Chris about the babies and through out the whole day's of school that I told him about the babies I haven't seen him so I decided to go and check up on him here I am standing in front of his house ringing the door bell no body answered but a few minutes later a middle aged woman answered

"Hello how can I help you"

" I'm looking for Chris is he home "

"Oh honey I'm Chris mother he's not home he's left for Australia three days ago and you are"

"I'm just a friend of his"

With that we just chatted a bit and then I left and went home and went straight to my bed I just lay there and starred at the ceiling few minutes later I had the door and close my mom was back and she was calling me so I went down stairs and greeted her and the my sis came out of her room too

"Mum I have to tell you something" I had decided to tell her the truth and come clean

"Ok honey go on I'm listening"

" Mum I'm Gay and just before you say anything I'm pregnant I came to find out when me and Elena went to the hospital to have a check up" I was already tearing up

"Oh honey why didn't you say anything"

" I didn't know how you will react about it so I just decided to not say anything"

"Oh honey it doesn't matter I love you no matter what ok and now I'm going to be a grandma so who's the father hm"
She said smiling at me I had not expected her to react like this though

" Um his name is Chris but he didn't want anything to do with them and um he's left to Australia mum "

"Oh honey no matter what we'll always be here for you OK" She came close to me and hugged me we all talk and laugh while she was preparing dinner for us and after dinner we watched some movie this my family and now I'll be adding two more people to our family and I'd decide to stay strong for them.......

Thank you so much guy longest chapter ever hope I did well enough to tell you the truth I was actually kinda drunk when I wrote this story so if you see anything error any where let me know xoxo

Adios Amigos

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