Chapter Fourteen

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The Next Morning.

I had to get up on time and get the kids ready for school and also to get ready for work as much as I'd like to not go to work today I have to cause I had a lot of work I've been absent a lot lately and the more reason I don't want to go to work is because of Christopher I'd hate to run into him.

I picked up my phone from the bedside and checked the time it was quarter past 7 in the morning I better get up and go wake the kids up cause it really hard to wake them up and another to get them dressed I got up and went to the rest room and brush my teeth and wash my face I went down stairs to have some water I like starting to morning with drinking water I saw Elena in the kitchen already I must say I'm really surprised to see her up this early

"Morning  E" I greeted while walking to the fridge and took out a bottle of water

"Morning how was your night"

"It was perfect um listen can you please prepare something for the kids whilst I get them ready"

"Alright but you know I don't really like cooking"

"Thanks" I thanked E and left the kitchen to go to the kids room I knew that E wasn't the cooking type but she can at least make herself useful sometimes I entered the kids room and walked to their bedside and sat down

Oh my babies look how cute they're whilst sleeping I'd hate to wake them up but they'll still have to go to school

"Maddie Mason wake up now it time for school " They refused waking up as always but after many effort I finally got the to get up

"Morning mom" Maddie and Mason greeted while yawning and rubbing their eyes

"Morning my love come on let's go get you both ready for school or else you're gonna be late huh"

"Ok mummy" Both of them got up and I carried them to the bathroom and helped them brushed their teeth and had their bath and got the all dressed up

"Alright now go and meet Elena downstairs I told her to prepare something for the both of you so go and have breakfast while I also go and get ready okay"

The both went down stairs and meet with E whilst I went to go and get ready for the office before I got down the kids we're already done eating already so I only had a glass of orange juice and called Liam to get the car ready to leave Few minutes later we arrived at the kids school and say goodbye and them Liam drove me to work

When I got to work the first person I ran into was Christopher he had tried talking to me but I just ignored him and went to my office and called Victoria in

"Good morning sir" Victoria greeted while walking into the office

"Morning I want you to tell me about everything I have to catch up on let me sort them out"

She told me everything that I've pushed forward because of everything that has been happening ever since that day that I saw Chris that day I had a lot to do that i wouldn't be able to leave the office and to pick the kids up and spend time with them I even had to call Liam to go and picked the kids up and dropped them off at home and returned back with the car drop it off and then leave

It was already 8:00pm already I'd lost track of time I didn't know it was already this late even Victoria had left already I'd better head home it's already late I got up and was about to leave before the door to my office open I looking up to see who it was it was 'Christopher' what was he still doing here I thought he's left already please I'm already tired as it is now I have to put up with his tantrums my head was hurting already

"We need to talk" Christopher said as he walked up to me

"Please what ever it is we'll talk about it tomorrow Mr. Davison" I  didn't know and I don't want to know about anything he has to say

"Is that what you're going to be calling me know we're all all alone you don't have to be too formal with me" He said and walked a little bit further towards me

What happening what he trying to do no no no no this cannot happen right now I had to get out of here right now I don't know for how long I can keep my emotions Intact for I pushed past him to walk away but he got a grab of my wrist and stopped me I turned to look at him and I felt water in my eyes my emotions had betrayed me I can't believe I'm crying in front him

"Please let go of me"

I pleaded and try to get him to let go of my wrist instead he pulled me closer to him and hugged me I wanted to push him off but I just couldn't bring myself to do that I don't know why I just stood there crying in his arms when I rcz

ealized what was happening I pushed him off and ran out of the office and drive home when I got home the house seems to be quite but I ran into Maya

"Maya where are the kids and Elena" I asked while shutting the door behind me

"The kids are already asleep and so is E I had to wait up for you anyways since you're back I'm off to bed" Soon after she said that she yawned

"Alright good night" I turned and walked to the kids room they were already asleep I went and kissed them on their forehead

'Sorry mommy couldn't spend time with you today and then mommy got delayed because of Daddy but tomorrow I'll spend time with the both of you'

I kissed their forehead once again I got up and switch the light off and went to my room and freshened up and got changed and got ready for bed I checked the time and saw that it was already almost 10pm already I closed my eyes and feel into a deep sleep...

Adios amigos

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