Chapter Eighteen

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"Phew what does he think about his self" I thought to myself as I left the room finding my way to the pharmacy

But being so close to him like that brings back all those memories about the time we've spent together in each other arm's and I couldn't help but think about what he had just said

'So won't you forgive this husband of your's and give him another chance' the more I tried to forget those words the more I keep thinking about them

Well of course I wanted to give him another chance for the kids but I don't just know what to do uhh what have you done to me christopher

Finally found the pharmacy I walked up to the receptionist

"Hello" I said to the lady behind the desk

"Hello my name is Ellen what can I get for you"

"Oh hi Ellen um can I get the medication on this paper here" I handed her the paper with the list of pills on it

"Um ok I'll be right back let me just get them real quick" She took the paper from me and was off to get them

Oh I had forgotten to call Elena I better give her a call she must be worried and just as I was about to call her, her call came in speaking of the devil

"Hey I was just about to call you" I said to her at the other end of the line

"Really well then I guess we can read each mind's" She said In a Sarcstatic kind of way

"Hm really I don't think so its nothing like that it's just a coincidence" I said

"Coincidence huh well I don't think so" She said imitating my voice





We started to argue playfully over the phone

"Ok ok whatever  are the kid's up yet"

"Yes yes there having breakfast and also watching cartoon how's Chris by the way"

"Oh he suffered a head injury right now I'm down at the pharmacy getting the medication prescribed by the doctor"

"Oh and I might be bringing him home with me" I added and I could feel Elena's excitement over the phone

"So so so so so so does that mean your getting back to...... " Oh no I knew what Elena was about to say so I immediately cut her off before she could complete her sentence

"Oh hell no Elena I know what you want to say so don't think about it and you better don't say it"

"Ooh come on it wouldn't hurt if both of you get back together" and she said

The lady that had gone to get the medication was back now

"Alright E I gonna go we'll talk about this later and could you help me get a room ready in the main while " I said to her over the phone

Before heading back to Christopher hospital room I went to the reception and signed his discharge papers then I walked my way back to the room

"Um I've signed the discharge papers so get changed and we're ready go I'll be right outside while you change" I said to him as left the room

Few minutes later he came out and we walked out to the parking lot and we both got in the car

"So I was thinking you should stay over at my place while you recover"

"Sure I see no problem to that"

O I'm making a big mistake why did I even think about this he'll just make me fall in love with him over and over again

I always have a picture of the kids in the car which he saw and picked up I heard him cleared his throat before asking

"So um are these our kids" He asked still looking at the picture

"Yes Maddison and Mason cute right they look just like you"

"Listen I'm sorry If I wasn.... " He started but then I looked over to his side and cut him off and said

"Let not talk about that" I just didn't want to get reminded about the past

He nodded and that was all we said through out the ride home

When we arrived home I was surprised to see that christopher has fallen asleep I hadn't even notice

"Christopher wake up we've arrived" I said softly and tap his shoulder

We both got out of the car and walked to the front door of the house and when I opened the door what I was what surprised me the most

I heard both Mason and Maddison yelled mummy and daddy are home as they ran toward us and as those words kept ringing in my ears

What how would they have known that christopher is their dad and then when I looked up I saw Elena wearing this sorry smile on her face I just knew it and then I gave her an 'I'm going to kill you sign' as I heard christopher chuckle

Right now both Maddison and Mason were standing right in front of us and the both signaled for me to Bend down and they whispered softly in my ears

"Mummy his he really our daddy" And then I just nodded a yes at this point there was no need for any more lies and I watched them as they both hugged him and called him daddy

Christopher Bend down and pulled them in for a hug and kiss both their checks

"Daddy where have you been why didn't you stay here with mummy and us" Maddison asked

Christopher tried to answer but no words came out from his mouth

"Alright kid's that enough daddy has to rest now ok you'll  get enough time to talk to Daddy"

"Ok mummy"

"Alright why don't you go and play with your toys for now" I said they both nodded and with that they were off to play

"Come on let me show you to your room " I said to Chris and while we were walking and we got to Elena was standing I stop for a second making christopher to also stop walking I smiled at her and said

" We'll talk later " And with that me and christopher started walking again and she then say's

"So do we christopher" Making all of us to laugh

"Here you go this will be your room" I followed him in as he also stepped in

And then it took me by surprise when he pulled me in for a tight hug

" Thank you thank you very much for making me the father of such beautiful and amazing kids"

"Um get some rest now we'll talk later okay" I said to which he nodded and then I exited the room and walking down stairs


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