Chapter Four

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The next morning my back hurts I woke up but I was alone on the bed I couldn't find Christopher in the room so I head down stairs and I saw him in the kitchen cooking I hugged him from behind,

he turned to face me and started kissing me it was so passionate from kissing we started going at it taking each other shirt off and then came the underwear and from that having Sex in the kitchen we were so lost in our world that we forgot about the cooking leaving it to burn so we made something else to eat we then freshened up and cuddle a little bit before I left for Elena's place..

Just as immediately I got there she started throwing questions at me non stop after I told her every thing she couldn't stop jumping in excitation we stayed together and talk and watched movies all day long we slept late that night and we woke up so late the next morning we had to skip school the next day......

Time Skip.

It's been a month since me and Christopher has gotten intimidate and for the past few days I've not been feeling to good lately, some times I'll get dizzy or I throw up every thing I've eaten or I'll tend to sleep a lot and I'll be craving for a lot of food I'd just trown up everything I'd eaten from yesterday night my mom came in and patted by back

"Son you'll have to go to the hospital and have a check up done you can take a day off from school and go to the hospital I'm already late for work" She said

"Ok mum I'll call Elena to go with you ok you can go to work I'll be fine" I told her

She kissed my forehead and left

I called Elena's up

'Hey Elena'


'Um can you skip school today I'll need your help to follow me to the hospital for a check up'

'Sure I'll do anything for you I'll be there in a few minutes'

'Ok I'll be waiting' I then ended the call I know Elena she's capable of doing anything for me that why I love her so much in a few minutes Elena arrived and I got dressed and we head to the hospital we've been sitting there for quite some minutes now and told that the doctor will be with us soon.

Minutes later a nurse came and call us

"Mr Nathan the doctor will see you now" We stood up and follow her to the doctor office

"Hello Mr. Nathan what brings you here to day"

"Yes thank you doctor well you see have not been feeling to good late some time I get dizzy and some time I'll throw up every thing I have eaten"

"Ok um well have to run some test so please take this bottle and you'll have to urine inside"

I took the bottle and went to the rest room and urinate inside the bottle and gave it to her

"Ok thank you I'll so and start with the test right away" We stood up and went back to the Hall and sat there for some minutes and at least I had Elena to keep me company we talk through out while we were waiting before we were called back to the doctor's office

"Ok we've carried out the test but we're not sure yet so we'll have to carry out more test"

We followed her to another room and she told me to lie down on a bed

"Please can you lift your shirt up a bit and I'll tell you the cream I'll apply on your stomach will be a little cold" So I did exactly what she said and she applied the cream which was actually cold and then she rolled some things over and started to move it around my stomach

"Congratulations I'm happy to tell you that you expecting"

"Sorry" I asked confused

"It's means that you're pregnant"

Whaaaaaaat the fuck how's that even possible!!!!!!!!!!!.........

Thank you guys so much I think this the longest chapter I've written so far and I'm so glad you guys have kept me motivated please do vote and comment and Thank you. 🙏💕🙏💕🙏💕🙏💕🙏💕🙏💕🙏💕🙏💕🙏💕🙏💕🙏💕🙏💕🙏💕🙏💕🙏💕

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