Chapter Seventeen

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The next morning

'Ring* Ring* Ring*'

I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing who could it be calling me early this morning I immediately got up as gently so as to not wake the kids up I picked up my phone to see the caller's ID but it was a number I didn't recognize I was hesitant to answer at first but then I decided to answer it

"Hello" I said in a low tune to the other person on the line waiting for a reply

"Hello my name's Karren am I speaking to Mr. Nathan please" I heard a lady voice at the other side of the line and how did she know my name

"Yes this he how can I help you" I asked

"Your husband was in a car accide... " Why did she say my husband I wasn't married so who could she be be referring to I cut's her off and asked

"My Husband"? I said confused

" Yes your husband Christopher Davison he was in an accidenta yesterday apparently he was in a drunken state he was unconscious yesterday but when he regained consciousness he asked us to call you "

My heart started beating fast what if he's seriously injured I'm really worried it not what you think I just don't want my children to be without a dad I mean he's still the father of my children

"Which hospital is it" I asked and waited for her to give me a reply and then she told me the name of the hospital

"Alright I'll be there in some couple of minutes" Immediately we hung up I ran into the bathroom and have a shower and got changed then I grabbed the car keys and went down stairs in a rush

"Hey where are you off to this early in the morning" I saw Elena  sitting in the kitchen drinking juice

" I'm going to the hospital" I said to her

"For what is something wrong with you are you sick or what" So walked to me with are worried expression written all over her face

"No no I'm not well Chris was in an accident"

"What!! Is he OK" She yelled

"I don't know E I was to anxious to ask but I'm going to the hospital now"

"Let me come with you" She said about to go and change when I told here

"No don't worry stay here in case the kids wake up"  I told her and she said ok and then I left the house and went to go get the car and started driving to the hospital

I'm the cause of all of this it's my fault it's all my fault I shouldn't have said and done all those things I did to him yesterday then maybe he wouldn't have gone to get drunk and ended up having an accident.

I drove as fast as I could to the hospital well thank goodness there weren't much cars moving it was still quiet early soon after I arrived at the hospital and parked my car and ran through  the hospital entrance to the reception and ran to the nurse sitting at the reception desk

"Um i.. I'm. He' to see christopher" I said trying to stammer

"Sorry chistopher who" She asked going through the patients list

"Christopher Davison" I replied her question

"Oh yes Room number 38 just go down the hallway and then to the left" She said and gave me direction to the room where Christopher was

I immediately started to find my way to the room where Chris was when I opened the and saw him just laying down there like that my heart broke into pieces and I started to tear up

I went inside the room and walked up to his side i hadn't even notice there was a bandage on his head and then I took his hands in mine

And then he opened his eyes looked at me and then tighten his grip around my hand then smile at me before saying

"Hey" He said with his voice a little cracked and filled with emotions

"Why did you have to drink and drive what if something worst had happened what would I have done huh tell me"

"I'm sorry for everything I said to you yesterday I never.. " I continued but was soon cut off by Chris

"No there's no need for you to apologize I'm the one who's to apologize for all those years I have wronged you I never should have left like that you know when i was in Australia not a single day goes by that I don't think about you and you know when I saw you for the first time that day I was just so happy to finally see you again one more time"

Why did he have to speak so emotional now making me to cry like a kid but I really must admit I still love him I still love him a lot,  The door to the room open and the doctor walked in

"Oh hello you're awake" The doctor said referring to Chris

"And you are" The doctor asked me and I didn't even think a second before I said "I'm his husband" Oh no Why did I say that

"Oh hi I'm doctor Jones" He extended his hand for a hand shake and I accepted it

" Well your husband suffered a minor head Injury except for that his perfectly ok" Doctor Jones said

"Here get these medication for him over at the pharmacy you can sign the discharge papers at the reception and then you can take him home and he needs enough rest"

The doctor handed me a written paper of the medication I was to get at the pharmacy

"Alright thank you doctor" With that being said the doctor left the room

"I'll go get the medication and also sign the discharge papers" I look up him and saw this huge smile on his face

"What funny why are you smiling" I asked

"Husband huh" He said In a mischief manner

"What do you mean" I asked try to act like I didn't have a clue about what he was saying

"You just said I was your husband" He said this time standing right in front of me on my what do I do What do I do

"Oh that it was nothing you know what let me just go and get your medication. " I walked past him to get my jacket from the chair and when I turned back there he was standing few inches away from me

And what he said next was what shocked the hell out of me he took my hand in his and said

"So won't you forgive this husband of your and give him another chance".....


Huh I think this chapter sucks

It's been so long since I updated well you see I've been working on this chapter itself for weeks now  and I've not been myself for quite some days but here you go

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