Chapter Eight

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5 Year's Later

It's was morning again today was a Saturday I checked my bed side to check the time it was past seven already and my babies will be here any moment now I was feeling to lazy to get up speak of the devil's and they'll appear few minutes later I heard the door to my room open and I opened my eyes to see peep at them but I pretend that I was still sleeping I felt them climbing into my bed 'One, Two, Three'

"Mommy mommy get up you promised to take us to the park today" The both of them started screaming and the top of their lungs saying in unison jumping up and down I couldn't take all the screaming any more when my head started to ache so the I stood up

"Ok ok mummy's up so how are my babies doing and yes mommy will take you to the park today" And then the two of them started jumping up and down again shouting yay yay

"Ok ok now so whoever's the first person to brush his or her teeth first will have the most ice cream when we go out ok" And immediately I said that both of them came down of the bed and started running to their room to brush their teeth just so that they could be each other and have more ice cream when we went out I just chuckled and got out of bed and went to the bathroom and brush my teeth and had my bath.

It's been five years now since the incident happened with Chris and he left and my family came to know about everything I continued going to school but I had decided when my pregnancy started to show that I didn't want anyone to know so I dropped out of school and started taking online classes and then during my sixth month of pregnancy I started having crisis so the doctor had advised me to stay in the hospital throughout the rest of my remaining month which I accept to few months later I went into labor and had my twins I had to go through C-section,

when I had first saw them I was surprised how much they looked like their father they had his icy blue eyes that I loved so much but they had the color of my hair and when they looked at me they smiled and I couldn't help but start crying and laugh at that same time and then I named my son Mason Evan Davison and my daughter Maddison Sofia Davidson I couldn't deprive them of their father last name,
Elena and My mom and sister we all there and they we all happy and then after giving birth I continue with my online classes and graduated and then I started looking for a job I got a job and then I started to work but later the assistant managing director quit so my boss filled my in for his position I started earning and earn enough to start my own company I had promised myself that I'll never let my baby lack anything and later on I bought a house like most of you will call it mansion Elena to had gotten a job that took almost all her time and we only got to see her once in a while and then I started another company that my mom and sister runs now,

I had stepped out of the bathroom and got changed into a home dress cause I'll definitely have to change after feed the kids they always get messy after eating I went down to see that the table had already been set Maya my friend had already set the table but she was like family to me my kids we're already seated they wouldn't eat without me feeding them

"Hurry up mom I'm hungry" My son Mason said dramatically holding his stomach

"Alright Alright" I'm coming so I hurriedly came down the stairs

"Morning Maya" I said as I sat down and pecked her cheek

"Morning so how was your night" She said

"Perfect but my morning not so perfect because of these two who were shouting for me to wake up" We both chuckled and we started eating

"Alright let go and have your bath now and then we'll go to the park" I said and then the kids so up and started running up the stairs 

"Alright Maya you also get ready today and no excuses" I said while getting up

"But___" She started but then I cut her off

"No but's ok you always look for an excuse not today ok now go and get ready" I said while walking away and going to the kids bedroom to bath them

We had all gotten ready and ready to go I called up my driver
'Liam get the car ready well be leaving now'

'Yes ser' he said and I disconnected the call and we waited outside and few minutes later the car arrived and Liam got down and open the door for us

"Morning ser"

"Morning were going to the park " The ride to the park was very noisy because of Mason and Maddison they were very happy few minutes later we arrived at the park they were to eager to get out of the car as soon as we entered the park gate they started saying

"Mommy mommy can we go and play now please please" They started pleading making a puppy face

"Alright you guys can go and play but don't go to far ok always stay at sight ok" I told them and they accepted and started running to the play ground

"So persuasive yet so cute" I smiled as I said referring to Maya

"Yes I wonder how you put up with them can I ask you a question" She said


" What will you do when they ask about their father " I had never thought about it though

"I don't know Maya we'll cross that bridge when the time comes" 

Me and Maya talked while the kids were playing on the play ground it was starting to get late so I went to call the kids

"Alright my love let go get some ice cream and head home" They we so happy and started shouting ice cream, ice cream so we went and all have ice cream after having the first one they asked for more and more they later ended up having three ice cream and then we started heading home when we had arrived they had already fallen asleep so me and Maya carried both of them and help them change into their pajamas and then me and Maya decided to watch a movie and after the movie ended I went into my room and jumped onto my bed at immediately I had lay on my bed I fell asleep so quickly and hoped to see another day..

Another chapter completed guys with 1175 words thanks so much guys remember to comment and vote and let me know what you think guys

Adios amigos
Xoxoxoxoxox xoxo xoxo

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