Chapter six

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The next morning..

I had woken up and went into the bathroom and had a bath and gotten dressed and went downstairs my mom had already prepared breakfast I had some and told my mom I'm going to school

"Are you sure honey I mean are you feeling better now"

"Yes Mom I'm feeling a lot better now"

"Alright you take care of your self OK and call me if you start to feel sick ok"

"Ok mum and don't worry I'll be fine"

I kissed her checks and say goodbye to each other and went to the bus station I had gotten a bus and head to school I got down and went inside the school hall I was just in time to catch the bell of our first period which was maths I haven't seen Elena today so I head to my first class I'm sure I'll see her during the second period our teacher had entered the class and then the lesson started what's seems to be like hour's were only minutes

Finally the bell rang our teacher gave us our take home assignment and with in twenty seconds the class was empty and the hall way was full with crowd I started to feel nausea and I rush to the rest room and I emptied all my stomach I rainsed my mouth and went to my locker and I ran into Elena

"Hey we're have you been I've been worried".

" Hey I was just at school a little bit late today so how's the babies did you take your pills today"

"Yes Yes I did"

"So have you made up your mind yet"

"About what"

"To tell Chris about the babies"

"I don't know yet E."

To tell you the truth I'm not sure if I should tell him cause I don't know how he'll react what if he doesn't want to be part of the babies life I've never been happier to hear that bell go off it'll spear me all of Elena's questions

"Cmon let's go to class or we'll be late" Me and Elena had the second class together so we went to class

Few minutes later

The bell rang and it's was finally break time thank goodness cause I'm starving

"Cmon E let go I'm starving"

"Hold on"

I had gotten what to eat and Elena asked if that was enough for all three of us didn't she see what on my plate did she wants me to eat a whole city first

Just right then Christopher walked past us and winked at me and I smiled back at him I turned to my side and saw Elena starring at me

"You know you do have to tell him right"

"I know I'll tell him when I'm ready"


After having lunch we head back to class for our remaining classes for the day after our classes the bell rang which means it was closing hour's we had exited the school premises and me and Elena said our goodbyes and we parted ways I went home to find my mom in the living room

"Hey mom you're back from work early"

"Yeah we we were allowed to go home early today so how's school "

"It was great mom I'm hungry have you made dinner yet"

"Yes it must be a little cold now but you can heat it up"

After eating I went to my room and freshened up and then lay on my bed I placed my hand on my stomach and started talking to my baby

'My baby how are you hope I didn't stress you much today and you are comfy in there I'm sorry daddy doesn't know about you yet but I'll tell him'

I think I Elena's right I think Chris deserves to know about the kids and to know if he'll want to be apart of their lives I'm starting to feel sleepy I better take my pills so I stood up and took the pills and went to bed and feel into a comfy distressed sleep..........

Thank you so much guy's have a nice day, night or week stay safe and stay at home and remember social distancing

Adios Amigos.

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