Chapter Twenty one

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Nathan Pov.
The Next Day.

The next day I couldn't stop thinking about the kiss me and christopher shared yesterday night

The kiss was so passionate and hot it was as if I should take him right there and then

I slept thinking about that kiss and I woke up thinking about that kiss

The more the day passes by the more I keep falling for him all over again

He wants me to confess my love that easily come on he has to do better than just trying

I woke up early feeling so hungry I had gone to bed without having anything to eat

So here I am in the kitchen by 9am leaning on the fridge drinking juice and looking for something edible to eat..

I felt someone wrapped an arm around my waist I knew instantly that it was christopher and placed his on my shoulder

I turned to look over at my shoulder and then received a peck on the lips from Christopher

Well that's new

'Good morning " He said

"Morning and why are you up so early" I said

"Well I woke up and couldn't fall asleep again and then I was feeling thirst and I came to get some water"

"Awww isn't that cute what a lovely couple " We turned to see Elena standing by the door and then we pulled apart from each other

"Um he... Just came.. To.. Get water.. " I said trying not to stammer

" Yes I came to get water " Christopher backed me up

"Awwww that so sweet" Elena making fun of us

" The kids must be up by now I'll go and check on them" I said  making an excuse to leave and not to have to hear anything else she has to say

I want up the kids room and I think that was not a good idea because they both woke up as soon as I walked in

"Mummy " Mason called me still half asleep

"Sorry my baby I didn't mean to wake you both up"

"Mummy why didn't you come home early from work last night"
Maddie asked

" Because mummy had a lot of work to be done so she can play with you all day long today "

"Really mummy" Maddie said

"Yes baby now go and brush your teeth while I make breakfast okay"

"Ok mummy" Both of them replied as they both got up and went to the bathroom to brush their teeth

I went back down to the kitchen and started making breakfast for everyone

Few minutes later the kids came down then so did christopher and then Maya and Elena

We all sat down and ate breakfast after eating we all sat together and talk

'Ding Dong'

We heard the door bell rings

"Don't worry I'll go get it" I said as I stood up and walk toward the door when I opened the door I was so surprised to see who was there

"Mom" I said in excitement as I gave her a tight hug

"Katie" I said and gave her a hug to

"Why didn't you say you were coming"

"Well mom wanted it to be a surprise" Katie said

"We'll seems liked it worked"

'Grandma Aunt Katie' I heard the kids yell from behind as they ran to hug both of them

"Oh my babies I've missed you both so much" My mom said as she lift both of them up and gave them a kiss

"We've also missed you to grandma" They both replied

They both came down and hugged Katie

"Look at this you're all grown up now" Katie said to the both of them

"Yes we are"

Maya and Elena also came and said hello

"How are you E" My mom asked Elena

"I'm good thank you Mrs. Davison"

"And you Maya"

"Very well thank you Mrs. Davison

And who's that cutie over there my mom asked looking at Christopher

" That Christopher Mason and Maddie Dad "

"You mean that same Christopher"

"Yes mom" I answered

My mom then walked over to him and pulled his ear

"I can see my son had decided to forgive you but if you dear hurt my son again I'll find you and whip your ass"

"Yes ma'am" Check answered with his head down

"We'll mum let me take you to your room" I said and I helped her with her bags.

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