Chapter Thirteen

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Back To The Story.

I couldn't move I just stood there and look at the person standing in front of me it felt like my world has stopped moving no it can't be it really can't be I tried to convince myself that the person who I'm seeing right now was not Christopher it can't be the same Christopher that left me all those years I just felt like crying right there and then but I'd promise myself not to break down in front of him not again

"Sir" My secretary called from behind and I turned to face her and she had these worried look on her face and I figured out what she was trying to say and I just smiled at her and turned to Christopher and extended my hand for a hand

"Hi my name is Nathan Chris" I introduced myself and I gestured for him to have a sit

"Christopher Davison" He replied and he had a seat soon after the. Meeting started and I was so lost in thought that I didn't even here a single thing he Christopher was saying through out the meeting I didn't pay any attention to anything in that meeting room and when he was done I immediately stood up and shock hand with him and his partner Dave I knew Dave from high school he and Christopher were very close

"Victoria please handle everything in the office I'm heading home I don't feel too good I only came in because of the meeting"

"Sure sir I'll handle everything here and get better soon" I only replied with a smile and left my office and took the elevator to the last floor to my surprise Christopher was still in the building but I didn't pay any attention and just walked pass him and excited the building soon after I exited the building I heard foot steps behind me which I didn't pay any attention to then the person started calling my name

"Nathan Nathan Nathan" I'd recognize that voice any where I didn't stop in my tracks instead I started walking as fast as I could he didn't stop following me when I was close to my car I took the car keys from my pocket and pressed the remote to unlock it and got in and started the engine I looked at my side and saw that Chris was running to catch up with me and I pulled out of the drive way and I started driving home

I got home and was welcomed with the sound of the television playing Elena was watching a news about a cop who murdered a black man what's wrong with our country nowadays it always about murder and racists I didn't even pay any attention to any of that

"Hey" Elena greeted but I just walked to the kitchen and took a bottle of water out of the fridge and went up to my room I got changed and then I heard a knock

"Yes come in" I heard the door open and was soon close Elena walked up to me

"Are you okay" She asked and you could hear this worrisome tune in her voice

"Yeah I'm fine" I answered with a low tune I moved from where I was standing to my bedside and sat down Elena followed me and say down besides me and placed her hand on my shoulder

"No you're not your face says it all and then you come back from work an hour and half soon after you left that not like you and don't say you're sick cause I won't take you're word for it so spill it"

Elena knows me too well already she knows me in and out and don't even try to lie cause she'll just know you're lying

"Alright fine you do remember that I said I had a meeting this morning right" She nodded

"Well actually the person I was supposed to meet was well um Christopher" Elena was so surprised and then she shouted 'What are you kidding me!!! '

" I know right and when I saw him all those memories came rushing back oh and Dave was also there so right after the meeting I left you know he even tried walking upto me but I got into the car and drove off I couldn't stand it"

I explained everything to Elena the I started crying she pulled me into a hug and comforted me

"Oh sweetheart i know just have some rest okay"

"Thanks E and please call Liam to come home take the pick up the kids later on"..

" Don't worry I'll pick them up now have some rest " Elena said and I smiled at her and she left and I was all alone in the room I just looked up at the ceiling and remember all those times me and Chris had together and slowly and slowly my eyes we're closed

Soon after I woke up and checked the time and it was noon the kids must be back already now I've missed my babies so much I got up and went to the restroom and wash my face and head down stairs but every where was so quiet well that strange I was further and saw Maya in the kitchen probably preparing something I walked into the kitchen

"Hello Maya that smells nice" I compliment and she turned and smiled at me and focus on what she's cooking

"Want some it's done already" She asked while switching off the cooker my stomach just grumbled and she had her answers already she brought some for me and sat on the chair beside me

"Are you okay Elena told me about everything"

"Yeah I'm fine you know what I don't wanna talk about it now let me eat in peace I'm so hungry" I took the cutlery and started digging my food

"Maya where are the kids I can't see them"

"Yeah they haven't been back yet I'm sure Elena and the kids will be home soon" Maya said while she stood up and got the orange drink out of the fridge and poured some in a glass from the both of us and handed me a glass I took if from her and drank I was now anxious what taking them so long to be back by now

"Maya why aren't they back... " I was cut off in the middle of my sentence when the door opened and they started calling 'Mummy mummy mummy' aww my babies they ran and hugged me

"Well I was starting to get worried"

"Aunt Elena took us to get ice cream" Maddie said

"Oh really ok come on go get change and come have something to eat and then do your homework and then we'll watch a movie" The were so excited Both of them started shouting yay

After the kids got changed and ate some fries and done with their homework we all agreed to watch a movie they were so happy this was how I had pictured our whole family together Me, Chris, The kids but there's a saying what ever happens happens for the best right I'm right where I'm ment to be"

Adios Amigos

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