Chapter Five

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"Pregnant" I asked not being sure if I heard correctly

"Yes and it's seems like you're having Twin's, do you need a picture of the baby"

I couldn't even answer cause I was still surprised but then Elena answered

"Yes we'll have four picture" She answered in my place

Twins but how's that even possible I mean I wasn't even out yet and now I'm pregnant how will my family react I don't even know if their father will want to be part of their life how to I break the news to them I was suddenly brought back to reality when the doctor told me to roll down my shirt and then follow her back to her office

"Ok so I'm going to prescribe three tablets of to help you remember to take one of them every morning after breakfast and one each before going to bed Okay"

I collected the paper with the prescribed pills on it me and Elena headed to the pharmacy and bought the pills

I was so lost in thought that I didn't realised that Elena was talking to me

"Hey! Hey! Nate did you even hear anything I said to you"

"Um sorry I didn't what we're you saying"

"I said are you going to tell Chris or your family"

"I don't know Lena I mean my family doesn't know about me yet and I don't know how Chris is going to react or if he'll want to be part of their lives"

"Ok what ever you say Nate just know that you have to tell them especially Chris he's their father and no matter what just know that I'll always be here for you and the babies no matter what, what are you going to tell you mom if she asked what the doctor said"

"I don't know I guess I'll just make some things up" I told her
"Ok I better head home now it's getting late now and I'll keep one of these picture"

We said our good byes she took on of the pictures and handed the rest to me I head home and my mom wasn't home yet it'll give me some time to think about what to tell her when she gets back, I went to the fridge and poured some juice in a glass cup I took the first one and then the second the third and the fourth been pregnant sucks and now I'm eating for three now I headed to my room I changed my clothes and jump on my bed and took the picture of my babies and looked at them and I placed my hand on my stomach and started talking to them I've heard that it's good to talk to babies when their inside the stomach

Just when I was talking to them my mom came in my room

"Honey are you in here"

Shit I quickly stood up and hid the picture immediately

"Yes mum I'm in here"

"How are you feeling now, what did the doctor say"

"Nothing mum she said that It was just um food poisoning and then she prescribed some drugs for me"

"Ok honey I'll go and prepare some things for dinner go and call your sister"

"Ok mom"

After she left I stood up and hid the picture somewhere else few minutes later my mom called us for dinner we'll ate and talked for some time before I started feeling sleepy got up and say good night to my family and headed to my my room and head to bed and just lay there and be thinking and rubbing my stomach in circle until I drifted off into a nice and beautiful sleep........................

Thank you so much guy hope your enjoying the story and leaving you people wanting more and please guys leave a suggestion below and please don't mind to let me know if you see any typing error and please please please guys don't forget to vote and leave a comment and our rankings are going high......

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