Chapter Ten

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Monday Morning.,

I woke up to my alarm going off it was moday morning I had to get the kids ready for school and also get ready for work

I went to wake the kids up but it's was not an easy task they had watched to many movies last night

"C'mon kids wake up or else you'll be late for school and I have to go to work"

"But mum we don't want to go to school today" My son said grumbling and then pulled the sheet up to his face

"Alright then if you don't get up and go to school today then I'll not take both of you out this weekend" I threatened them joking and both of them got up and mumbled mom

So they stood up and signaled for me to the carried the both of them so I picked them up and took them to the bathroom and bath for the both of them and got the dressed into their uniforms and sent them down stairs to meet Maya to have breakfast

Whilst I went to my room and also get ready in the main time, after getting ready I went down stairs and the kids had already had breakfast so I had a coffee I called the driver and told him to get the car ready

"Alright kids let go now" They grabbed their bags and lunch boxes and we exited the building and got into the car

We arrived at the school few minutes later and packed at the school parking lot they got down and I followed them to the school entrance door

"Alright kids I'll come pick you up later okay and be good kids ok" I kissed them goodbye and they hugged me and pecked me goodbye and I saw them ran into the school building with their two tiny legs how time flies feels like it was just yesterday that they started crawling and now there running already

I turned back and started to walk back to the car and went to work I walked into the building and was greeted by my staffs I walked into my office and soon after my secretary walked in also

"Sir today the investor's from Australia we'll be coming to new York today" She said

"That true I had totally forgotten about about that when's the due time" I asked her and she checked the iPad in her hand and then she replied

"The meeting is at 1:00 pm sir"

"Alright thank you Victoria"

I thanked her and she left the office I was handling some work before my phone started ringing I checked my phone screen and saw the caller"s name it was Elena and so I picked

"Hey Elena what's up have you decided when you're coming back yet" I said excited expecting an answer

"Hey hey hey hey listen am at the airport come pick me up" What I didn't expect her to just drop by like that

"Omg really ok I'll be there very soon I'll come and pick you up"

I dropped the call and called my secretary

"Victoria please cancel the meeting I have today with the investor I have somewhere important I have to be at and tell Liam to bring the car over" I told her she stood up and started to pack my things

Few minutes later..

I had gotten to the airport and was scanning everywhere for Elena and then I saw I ran to her and hugged her and started moving in circles

"Hey stop that or else you'll make me dizzy" She said and I couldn't help but laugh

"Oh come on its been so long look at you, You haven't changed a bit you're still the same"

"Really well you too haven't changed at all too how are kids" She said while we were walking to the car

"Speaking of it's almost time to pick them up we'll stop by and pick them up they'll be so happy to see you"

We got inside the car through out the ride we were just talking and catching up on stuff few minutes later we arrived at the school I went in and saw them running to the car

"Hello my love" The ran to me and hugged me and I saw that Mason clothes was very dirty but Maddie's own was class she had always been the responsible one

"Come on I have a surprise for you inside the car"

"Really" They both said and started jumping I opened the car and they screamed

"Aunt Elena" They jumped in and hugged her and we left the school compound and we went home the kids didn't even bother to talk to me it was as if I was invincible any way it was good now I'll have some spare time alone.....

Thank you so much guy's and I just want to say that the next chapter will be of Christopher pov but after that will be back to Nathan pov back so don't confused love you so much guy's and tell me if I did well enough

Adios Amigos


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