Chapter Eleven

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Hey guys just like I said guys this will based on Christopher pov but the next chapter will be back to that of Nathan..

Christopher Pov.

My alarm was already going off so early in the morning it's was 6:00am already and yet I slept in late last night cause I had a lot of work that I needed to sort out last night,

Today I'll be going back to new York to meet with a company after all these years I'll be going back there after 5 years going back to all what I've behind my friends my family my home I've missed all of them wonder what they'll all be up to now maybe married with kids now

Soon after the door to my room open and I knew it'll be no one else but Dave he walked up to my bed side and pulled the sheet from the top of my body and tapping me to get up

"C'mon bro get up or we'll miss our flight" He said while trying to make me get up and get ready

"O c'mon it's still very early early in the morning let me sleep a little bit longer" I said and pulled the sheet back up I turned my back and lay on my stomach and used a pillow to cover my ears

"Our flight is at 7:00am bro and see we've already estimated some couple of minutes already 'we're going to miss our damn flight if you don't get up" He said his voice a little bit high

"Alright fine" I said and I got up and he got up and left while leaving he just yelled 'Don't stay too long in there' with that he left and shut the door behind him

What would I do without Dave, Dave was my best friend in high school in new York we both decided to come to Australia, we've been through everything together and he's more like the responsible one always on time he's always been the time conscious person he's always acting motherly he's my business partner we both make decisions together and do everything together

I checked the time it was already 6:32am I quickly rushed to the bathroom and had a quick bath if I had been a bit more late I'm sure Dave would most certainly have my head in his hands I got changed and went to the sitting room where our suitcase were already sitted he didn't even let me have breakfast all he said was 'you'll have something to eat when we get to the airport if we're still early'

The ride to the airport was very frightening Dave made the driver to drive very fast we were a bit late but still on time the plane were already boarding
So I didn't have anything to eat we'll we will be served by the air hostess we went in and sat on our first class seat while we were sitted Dave received a call from the company's secretary to reschedule the meeting for tomorrow morning we'll then at least I'll have time to sleep a little bit more when we get there


Today we'll be going in for the meeting we had hired a car before coming and had been dropped off for us at the airport we pulled up in the company parkings lot and I must admit the company is huge we walked in and a lady walked up to us

"Hello my name's Victoria and I'm the company secretary" She said with a smile and I must say she's very pretty

"Um we're here for the meeting that was rescheduled for today" Dave said and extended his hand for a hand shake

"O ok sure this way"

She said and we followed her to where the meeting room was held the view from up here was really amazing while she went to call the person we were here to meet I couldn't help but got up and admire the view few minutes later the door opened and I'm sure the person we were here to meet walked in and said

"Um hello sorry I'm late"

The voice sounded so familiar but I couldn't recall and immediately when I turned around the smile on his face fade away I couldn't believe my eyes I couldn't believe who I saw it was 'Nathan'......................... ✏

Alright how did I do guys let me know in the comments below and don't forget to smash that vote button.

If you'd ask me I think this chapter sucks but if you think I did try about the chapter then show me by voting and leave a comment below

Adios Amigos xoxoxoxoxox

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