dont kill me please

128 5 13

-a very loud crunch comes from behind the bathrooms. A beam of light shoots up to the sky, while doves scatter around the area-

Tree, sitting at a table eating his crackers, is surprised, like any normal person after they witnessed something unexplainable.

Blocky comes running out from behind the bathrooms, all cut up, with white silky feathers are all over his face.

Tree: what the hell did you do?!

Blocky: ...i killed loser.

Tree: WHAT?!

Blocky: *puts a hand over his mouth* shh shh dont tell anyone. It was an....accident

Tree: mmmmmph!

Blocky: *takes hand off* i got on top of loser and i crunched him, like a kinder surprise egg

Tree: what the hell?! *Starts crying*

Blocky: dont tell the poli-

Tree: *starts booking it* IM CALLING THE POLICE

blocky: *starts sprinting after him*

Basically in a nutshell tree snitches on blocky goes to jail. Tree never got to finish his snack.

inanimate insanity/ bfb crack bookWhere stories live. Discover now