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BLUE BEAMS CREPT inside the room through the dark. Elsa sighed and hugged her pillow as she felt a smaller body crawl on top of her. "Wake up!" her younger sister, Anna, cooed. "Wake up!"   

She rolled her eyes and raised an arm trying to push her sister off. She had been sleeping just fine until Anna decided to jump on her. What was her deal now? "Go back to bed, Anna!"

Anna fell to the floor with a thump, and Elsa waited for the sounds of her sisters crying. A sigh of annoyance escaped her lips when she felt her sister pull herself up onto the bed. "I can't," Anna said, falling against her once again. "The sky's awake. So I'm awake. Which means we have to play!"

Elsa hugged her pillow and closed her eyes hoping that if she ignored her Anna would go back to her own bed realizing that she didn't want to play. A hand smacked her face, pulling open her eye. Anna stared down at her with a sly grin. "Do you want to build a snowman?"

A tiny grin tugged on the edge of her lips. Anna leaped over her tumbling to the ground before springing off and running out of the room giggling. "Anna, wait!" She threw back the covers and took off after her sister.

Anna pushed open the tall double doors to the Grand Hall, and the two young girls stepped inside and looked around.

Elsa looked down at Anna as her little sister yanked on her hands to come father into the room. An idea popped into her mind. "Remember Papa's story?" she asked. Anna's eyes widened with excitement.

Elsa threw her hands out as ice flowed through her veins. Tall trees began to sprout around the marble floor along with boulders. People made from snow stood still amongst the trees along with reindeer. The ice stopped, and Anna took off into the snow while laughing wildly.

Elsa raced after her sister. Reindeer prance around her as Anna rode on top giggling. It warmed her heart to think she could make Anna so happy. Ice flowed through her and she thrust her hands out at the floor.

Giant creatures made of snow rose before her. Anna's eyes widened as she jumped off her ride and rushed over to the giants. She began scurrying up the back of one of the giants. "I can see everything from up here!"

Elsa smiled widely and laughed. "Just be careful up there! You don't want to fall!" She watched as her sister climbed around the head of the creature she had conjured. It was always up to her to be the most responsible — seeing she was the oldest — and watch out for the safety of her sister.

Her attention was drawn away from Anna when the sound of hooves filled her ears. She looked to her right to see a reindeer scraping its hoof in snow before suddenly charging after her. She stood back and gasped, her heart pounding.

As the reindeer approached, she could see that its face held an angry expression and its eyes glowed a deep red. She jumped in fear where she stood before leaping out of the way, landing on her hands and knees.

She sighed in relief but it was short lived when a sudden scream filled her ears. She glanced over to find the reindeer had crashed into the snow creature, its firm leg crumbling to dust underneath it.

Anna clung to the neck of the giant as it swayed back and forth. "Elsa!"

Elsa watched in horror as her little sister was flung from the snow and hurdled through the air. "Anna!" She reached out towards her sister, and when she did, ice shot unexpectedly from her hand. The burst whammed into Anna's head, and Elsa watched as Anna rolled in the snow. She finally came to a halt beside one of the trees and laid there motionless.

Anxiety and fear wrapped Elsa's mind in a dark cloud. Tears welled in her eyes as she rushed over to her sister. Elsa fell on her knees beside Anna and cradled her limp frame.

"Mama!" Elsa cried out. A white streak began sprouting in Anna's hair flowing from her scalp down between her low pigtails. Elsa felt hopeless as her heartbeat quickened. "Mama! Papa!" she screamed louder. She pulled her sister in closer to her body as the world made of snow, frost, and ice collapsed around them. "You'll be okay, Anna."

A crash came from behind her as her parents threw open the frozen shut doors, rushing into the room towards them. Papa swept Anna up in his arms as Mama pulled Elsa in close.

Elsa hugged her mother tightly, tears trickling down her cheeks. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to hurt her! We were just playing!" She wept heavily in Mama's arms.

"It's okay, Elsa," came Mama's voice, comfortingly. She felt Mama's loving hand stroke her hair.

"She's as cold as ice."

Elsa turned around to see Papa removing the back of his hand from Anna's cheek. "We need to get her to the physician before it's too late."

Elsa's heart pounded in her ribcage feeling like it would explode. What had she done? She never should've come here with her sister. She should've been a good girl and stayed in bed like Mama told her.

Mama held her tightly in her arms. "What physician is up at this late hour?" Elsa gazed up at her mother.

Papa's face held a stern look. "Oh, I'll find one. Even if I have to wake every physician in the kingdom. He turned towards the door at a couple of servants. "Lorinz!" One of the man servants stood up straight at the mention of his name. "Fetch the royal physician and be quick about it." The man bowed before spinning on his heels and leaving.

Hot tears cascaded down Elsa's cheeks. She grasped a hold of her mother's hand as she jogged to keep up with her parents' long strides. The physician had to save Anna. She didn't know how much longer Anna could hold on for.

Papa arrived at the physicians chamber before she and Mama. They stopped a few paces from the door and she watched with big eyes as Papa talked with Eldric, the physician, though she couldn't hear a word. A few seconds later, Papa and Anna disappeared inside followed behind by Eldric.

Mama knelt down in front of her as she tried to catch a breath from her rapidly beating heart. "Elsa, I need you to stay out here, okay?"

A lump formed in the back of her throat. "What why?" she asked.

Mama gave her a soft smile. "We don't need to be crowding Eldric while he's working on your sister."

More hot tears formed in Elsa's eyes as she nodded her head. Mama gave her one last quick hug before disappearing inside. Was Anna going to die? Is that why Mama wouldn't let her in?

Creeping up to the door, Elsa pressed her back against the wall and slid down. She pulled her knees to her chest and buried her face between them. The voices from inside the room could be heard but they were muffled leaving her still unable to hear what was being said. They were working on Anna. That's all she knew. If anything happened to her sister, she would never forgive herself. Please be okay Anna.

After what felt like an eternity, someone sat down next to her, and pulled her into their arms. She knew immediately it was Mama by how warm and tender the arms felt.

"Anna is alive," Mama sighed, relief filling her tone, "but the physician says she will suffer severe amnesia. It will be a while before she remembers your gift, let alone any of us."

Confusion hit Elsa like a brick as she looked up. Anna wasn't going to remember her? Her own sister? "But, Mama... we've had so much fun together using my powers. Now, Anna's going to forget them and me?" She collapsed into Mama's arms, buried her head in her lap, and wept heavily. This all happened because of her. She was going to lose her best friend for what could be a very long time all because she couldn't obey.

She wished she knew what had made that reindeer go out of whack. Nothing like that had ever happened before so why now? And why was Anna paying for it? If that animal had never charged after Elsa, never taken out the giants leg, Anna would still be okay and life would continue like normal. But now, thanks to her, both their lives were about to be flipped upside down.

Elsa felt Mama's arms wrap around her, and she was lifted off the ground. She snuggled her head against Mama's neck as she sniffled and whispered, "Oh, Anna." She closed her eyes and allowed herself to cry herself to sleep.

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