Chapter 1~ Home

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Cora Cartmell sat on Jack's shoulders and stared at the tall buildings that were in the distance from the ferry they were riding.
Cora felt happy. They had been at Ellis Island for five hours, and were finally on their way to New York's Lower east side. Cora couldn't wait. She would live with her Uncle Jack and Aunt Rose.
Her parents had Perished in the Titanic's sinking, and Cora had been all alone, until she ran into her old friends, Jack and Rose.
Jack and Rose carried the little belongings that they had, tied in a blanket. Cora held her doll and smiled as wide as she could, as the ferry stopped, and Jack took her off his shoulders.
"Careful there, Cora. Take ahold of Rose's hand." Uncle Jack said.
Cora did as she was told, and walked off the ferry with Jack and Rose.
When Cora set foot on the hard pavement, Cora felt as if the ground was still moving. She had been on ships for a week. It felt strange to walk on hard ground again.
"Get onto the sidewalk." Jack told Rose and Cora.
Rose shifted a little to the right, and Cora and Jack followed.
"What's the address?" Rose asked Jack.
"35 Orchard street." He replied.
Hey countinued to walk until they found a run down building.
"This is it." Jack said.
Rose looked up at the run down, brick building, and cringed.
Rose wasn't used to Poor conditions like this. She had grown up rich her whole life, until she left her mother and fiancé after the titanic had sunk.
Jack pushed open the door, and they climbed the tattered, creaky stairs, stairway after stairway. The hallway smelled of rotten garbage, and Cora held her nose. Rose laughed.
At the third stairway, Jack took a key from his pocket. He wiggled it around in the doorknob, and the door opened.
Cora let go of Rose's hand and rushed into the room. It was smaller then Cora had expected. There were only two rooms. One was a bedroom, with two beds. And a small shelf, which was closer to the door. The other was another room, with a stove, table, and four chairs.
"Well this is it. Home sweet home." Jack said.
Rose laughed, and so did Cora, and dropped their belongings on the bed.
Cora sat on her bed, and put her dolly on top.
Rose passed Cora her picture of her daddy, and she put it on the shelf behind her bed.
Jack took his sketchbook out of his bag, and sat at one of the chairs at the table. Cora went over to see the book, and sat next to Jack in another chair.
"Let's draw the house." Cora said.
Jack smiled, and he began drawing the house while Cora and Rose unpacked the little belongings that they owned.
After they had done that, Rose said;
"Well I need to go do some shopping. Let's go!"
Cora smiled, and took Jack's hand, and followed Rose out the door.

Cora Cartmell and New York CityWhere stories live. Discover now