Chapter 10~ Actress

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The next morning, Cora opened her sleepy eyes, and saw Jack sitting on her bed. She realized today was the day she would act in a movie.
Cora sat up and hugged Jack.
"Good morning, Uncle Jack!" She said.
"Good morning, Cora." Jack said. He put her in his lap and said;
"Did you sleep well?"
Cora nodded her head.
Jack picked her up again and set her at the table. She sat, playing with her dolly, while Jack began buttering some bread.
Rose sat up in bed and looked shocked.
"Why didn't anyone wake me up?" She said, smiling.
Cora giggled.
"Don't worry, sweetheart. I got breakfast ready." Jack said, kissing Rose. Cora laughed.

After breakfast, Jack kissed and hugged Rose and Cora quickly, and ran out the door.
Cora put on her best dress, and her freshly ironed stockings. She put on her shoes, and let Rose brush her hair. Her tiny brown curls bounced up and down as Rose brushed. Cora giggled.
Afterwards, Cora sat on Rose's bed as she watched her comb her beautiful red curls. Cora stared in awe at her beauty. She wanted to be just like her Aunt Rose when she grew up.
Rose put the brush down on her bed.
"Ready, now, Cora?" Rose asked.
Cora nodded, and took Rose's hand.

At the trolley, Rose paid five cents, and they boarded it. Cora's curls blew past her face. The air was warm and still.

The trolley stopped, and Cora and Rose got off.

Cora skipped into the lobby, and sat down with a bounce.
A man walked out of an office and laughed.
"I can see my Pauline and Lucy are here!" He said, coming over to kiss Rose's hand. Rose laughed, and put a hand around Cora's shoulders.
The man crouched down to Cora's level.
"And this is my little Lucy?" He asked Cora.
Cora laughed and nodded.
"Excellent!" He called. He got up again, and held his hand out to Rose to shake.
"I'm Max Shevelsky, the director. Nice to meet you." He said.
Rose laughed.
"I'm Rose Dawson, and this is my daughter Cora."
Max looked down and pinched Cora on the cheek. She laughed, and hit behind Rose, feeling shy and awkward.
Rose and Max laughed. He picked Cora up, and put his arm up, for Rose to put on top. She did and laughed.
"Follow me to your dressing room, ladies." He said.
Cora and Rose laughed, and Rose followed, while Cora was carried by Max.

They came to a white door at the end of the carpeted, long hallway. He wiggled the doorknob and opened the door.
Cora gasped when she saw the room. The floors were carpeted with a red satin carpet. There was a sofa in the corner, and a roll around step stool with a purple pillow on top. There were also two mirrors, with lights all around the edge, with two round stools right by them, with a circular container of makeup and brushes lay.
Rose gasped. Max laughed.
"Madam, this is your makeup mirror. He said, pulling out a stool. Rose looked at it in awe, and then went over to a closet in the corner. She opened it and there were more outfits than Cora had ever seen in her life, right in that small closet.
"Wow!" Cora gasped. Max laughed and put Cora down. She walked over to the closet and began shifting through the clothes.
"Cora, that's not your closet." Max said laughing.
"This is your closet." He said, opening another door on the wall. Cora gasped and hurried over.
She gasped again. There were clothes of Cora's size! They were in all of Cora's favorite colors, and styles. How could she choose just one?
She stood, staring at them, until Max laughed.
"I'll have someone here soon to do your makeup and pick your wardrobe." He said, opening the door.
"Thank you." Rose said, sitting down at one of the mirrors. Cora sat at hers, and turned on her mirror lights. She squealed as they all lit up. Rose laughed.

Someone knocked on the door.
"Come in!" Rose called.
A lady with a short bobbed haircut opened the door.
"Hello, I'm Lilian. I'll be doing you, and your daughter's makeup." She said.
"Yes, thank you." Rose said.
She got up and went into the closet with Lilian.
Lilian took out a beautiful blue gown, and handed it to Rose. She slipped it over her head, and sat back down at her makeup table.
"Is this your daughter?" Lilian asked, pointing to Cora.
Rose smiled and nodded. "She's adorable." Lilian said.
"Thank you." Rose replied.
Lilian came over to Cora and smiled.
"I'm going to pick out a dress for you to wear." She said.
Cora smiled wide, as Lilian pulled out a beautiful pink dress.
She helped Cora slip her dress off, and put the beautiful dress over her head. Cora squealed as she saw herself in the beautiful mirror in the reflection.
Lilian laughed.
"Have a seat right here, after I do your Mother's makeup, I'll do yours!" She said, pulling out one of the swirly stools for Cora to sit on.
Cora gasped. "I get to wear makeup too!" She said.
Lilian laughed. "All actors need makeup, or else they'd be white as a ghost on screen!" She said. Cora and Rose laughed.

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