Chapter 19~ The letter arrives

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Two days later, after school, Jack was waiting for Cora with a huge grin on his face.
Cora giggled. "What's wrong?" She asked him.
"Rose has a surprise for you at home." He said.
Cora paused in excitement.
Then she began running home, Eva and Anne trailing right behind her.

Right outside the door to her building, Jack caught back up with her.
"Sorry I ran so fast!" She giggled. Jack laughed too, and opened the door for her.
Cora trampled up the stairs and flung the door to her tenement wide open.
Rose was sitting at the table with a white envelope in her hand.
"It's from your grandmother." Rose smiled.
Cora squealed and ripped open the envelope.

She handed it to Jack, and sat on his lap while he read it aloud.
"Thank you for writing to me, Cora." The letter read. "I am very sorry to hear about your parents, but I'm happy you are living with such kind people. I have boarded a ship, and am on my way to New York City. By the time you get this letter, I should be arriving tomorrow, Tuesday evening at five o'clock pm. I hope to see you soon. I love you.
-Nan. "

Cora sighed out of happiness and leaned back against Jack. She couldn't wait to see her Grandmother the next day.

As Cora tried drifting off to sleep, she began getting horrific flashbacks of the fire her Grandfather and little brother got killed in. She hadn't seen her Nan in over a month. What would it be like? Would it be the same as Cora had always remembered?

She knew she would find out the next evening.

Cora Cartmell and New York CityWhere stories live. Discover now