Chapter 16~ Essay

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The next day at school, Cora waited until after her teacher was in the classroom, to tell the class about her new baby sibling.

When Mrs.Bouman had walked  to the front of the room and sat down at her desk, Cora raised her hand politely.
Mrs.Bouman called on her, and Cora said;
"May I share some news with the class?"
Mrs.Bouman nodded, and Cora stood up.
"I'm going to be getting a new baby sibling!" She said.
Anne, who sat next to her, gasped.
"Oh, I love babies! When is it due?"
Cora smiled. "In September." She said.
"You'll have to ask your mother to bring the baby to visit me." Mrs. Bouman said.
Cora giggled.
"I will!" She said.
She sat back down, and folded her hands in front of her.

Mrs. Bouman went to the front of the room, and wrote "The Future" on the board.

"Today we're going to be thinking about what we will be like in the future. Who would like to share?"
Mrs.Bouman called on a boy named Leo. He was mean.
"I'm going to be president of the United States." He said.
Mrs.Bouman nodded and smiled.
Then he called on a girl named Ella who sat in the back of the room.
"I want to be an artist." She said.

After most of the class shared, Mrs.Bouman began speaking again.
"Now that you have an idea, I want you to write a small essay about what you think you're going to be doing in two or three years. What will you look like? Where will you live? If you need help with your letters, raise your hand." She said.
Cora took out her notebook and pencil, and opened it to a clean page. She stared at it blankly for a few minutes, trying to decide what to write about.
Then she began daydreaming about her new sibling.
Cora finally decided to write about her sibling.

After lunch, the class kept working on the essay until the end of the day.
"Who's finished?" Mrs.Bouman asked.
Suddenly Cora felt panic rise in her stomach. She was only halfway done, and some were done completely?
Luckily, only five children raised their hands.
Cora sighed in relief.

Cora packed up her books, and headed out the door with Eva and Anne.

Jack had to work later in the day, and Rose was tired, so Cora would walk home by herself, with Eva and Anne of course.

About two blocks down, Cora heard Someone call from behind again;
Cora swung her head around, and felt her stomach drop. It was Cal.

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