Chapter 12~ The wedding

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"Cora,time to get up now, darling." Rose said, gently shaking Cora until she opened her eyes.
Cora sat up in her bed and stretched. Then she began stepping out of bed, putting her bare feet on the semi-cold floor. It was a hot day. The sun rays shone through the small window like lasers, hitting Cora on the back of her neck.

She reached for her stockings that hung over the edge of her bed, and pulled them up over her legs. There was a small hole by one of the toes, but it wasn't a bother, Cora thought.

After putting on her stockings, she bent down to look under Rose and Jack's bed, which was where Rose kept Cora's dress. She put it on and went to the table to have a quick breakfast.

After finishing her bread and butter, and carefully wiping her hands on a towel, she used Rose's brush to carefully brush her knotted, small, curls.

When she was finished, she went over to sit on Jack's lap. He opened a bible that Mrs.Larkins had lent to them, and began reading it outloud. They wouldn't be going to church that day because Rose and Jack had to get ready for the wedding.

Mrs.Larkins was over now, and she was helping Rose button up the wedding dress. Jack was already dressed and his hair was combed, and so was Cora's.

After Rose had put on her dress and shoes, Mrs.Larkins grabbed the basket full of food, and the vail that Rose would wear. Cora was going to be the flower girl, she had a basket full of flower petals that were waiting for her at the church, Jack said.

It was about 1 o'clock when Cora knocked on Eva's door. Eva was going to be the Bride's maid, and her mother was going to be the maid of honor.

Eva and her mother came to the door. Eva was holding her mother's hand, and her mother had a small square shaped package in her hand, wrapped in a white cloth and tied with a small string.
Cora held her hand and they skipped along the sidewalk, while Rose and Ms.Hart had a quiet conversation.
The two little girls were careful not to get their dresses dirty. Cora had her hair down, and her little brown curls bounced by her shoulders. Eva had her hair in pigtails, which were tied with two beautiful red satin ribbons.

Jack pushed the large door of the church open, and the Reverend came up to them.
"We've been waiting for you!" He said as they walked in.
There was a small room on the left, right before you opened to doors that led to the pews.
Jack opened the door to the small room, and laying there on the table was a basket filled with flower petals, and a bouquet of beautiful flowers. Cora and Eva squealed and ran to the flowers. Cora grabbed her basket, and stood my Jack.

After Molly, Bridget and Anne's family had arrived, Jack said it was time. Cora heard the organ playing "here comes the bride."
She felt butterflies in her stomach, and squeezed Eva's hand.
Jack opened the door, and gently pushed Cora on the back, signaling that it was time to go. Cora held onto the basket with one hand, and put her hand in the basket with her other.
Eva was right next to Cora, clutching her bouquet. They both walked in beat to the music, Cora gently sprinkling the flower petals as she went.
When they came to the front of the church, Cora quickly sat down in the first row.
The organ started playing again, and Cora swung her head around, to see Rose and Jack gracefully walking down the aisle. Cora felt tears well up in her eyes, not of sadness, but she was so happy for Jack and Rose.

After they said their vows, and Jack gave Rose a beautiful wedding ring, everyone started clapping as they kissed.
Cora giggled and ran up to hug the new married couple. She knew she probably wasn't supposed to, but she did it anyway.
Several people laughed as Jack picked Cora up, and hugged Rose. Then they began clapping again.

The reverend had left, on his way to get the basket of food so they could celebrate. Jack put Cora down, and she ran to hug her friends. First she hugged Eva, then Bridget, then Molly, and then Anne. Rose and Jack were talking to their parents, while the girls held hands, and laughed and talked.

After eating, the organ player began playing a lively tune.
Cora and her friends began clapping and stomping their feet along with the music.

Someone tapped Cora on the shoulder. She turned around, and Jack was there holding out his hand.
"Would my best girl like to dance?" He asked. Cora nodded, and Jack took her gently by the hands.
She gripped tightly to his hands, as he danced with her. He swung her out, and then brought her back. Then she stood on his feet and he went around in small circles. Then she jumped off, and he spun her around and around, holding onto one of her tiny fingers.
The organ player stopped and Jack stopped twirling Cora. She laughed.
He bent down to her eye level and took her hands.
"I'm gonna dance with Rose now, alright?" He said.
Cora laughed, and nodded. That was the same thing he had said the day Rose and her had first met. Cora went over to sit by her friends, and the organ player started playing a slower song.
Jack and Rose twirled around together. Cora laughed, and smiled widely.

Cora felt her eyelids get heavy. Jack and Rose were still dancing. Cora's friends were all watching, Eva was sleeping against her mother. Cora looked up one last time, before slumping against Molly and closing her tired eyes.

It was dark out when Rose, Jack and Cora left the church. Cora was half asleep, being carried by Jack, and Rose had her arms full of presents wrapped in white cloth and tied with string.
Cora put her cheek against Jack's shoulder and closed her eyes gently.

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