Chapter 23~ Coney Island

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After getting off the trolley, Cora skipped along the dusty street gripping her dolly in one hand, and Jack's hand in her other. Now Cora could see Coney Island clear as day now. She squealed, jumped up and down, and pointed to a giant slide taller than Jack.

As Jack and Cora walked through the entrance, Cora pointed to the slide again and said;
"Uncle Jack, can we go on the slide, please!" She begged.
Jack's eyes looked sad as he picked her up.
"I'm sorry Cora, we just don't have enough money. A ticket for a ride like that costs a lot of money."
Cora nodded her head. Surprisingly, she understood. Everyone always told Cora she was very mature for her age, whatever that meant, Cora giggled inside.

"We can go wading in the river!" Jack said, putting Cora down. She nodded her head and ran to a bench.

By the bench, Jack helped Cora take off her shoes and stockings, and then he took off his shoes and socks.

As Cora set foot on the ground, the soft sand wedged between her toes. She giggled and put her dolly down on the sand. She took Jack's hand and skipped into the water.

The waves splashed over her feet and Cora squealed. Jack laughed.
The water was so cold, but Cora was so hot and sweaty, that she didn't care.

Cora gently splashed Jack, and he splashed her back.

She got the hem of her dress wet, but now, she was no longer sweating and didn't care.

The sun was begging to set, and Jack it was time to get going. Cora Sprong out of the water and went to sit on the bench that her shoes and stockings laid by.

After getting their shoes, stockings and socks back on, Cora sat on Jack's lap and they watched the sun set slowly together.

Cora lent back against Jack's shoulder and clutched her dolly close, as she felt her eyelids get heavy, and then they closed.

Cora Cartmell and New York CityWhere stories live. Discover now