Chapter 11~ The day before the wedding

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Saturday morning, after breakfast, Jack left in a hurry on the way to his job.
Mrs. Larkins was over soon after Jack had left, to help Rose prepare for the wedding the next day.
Rose cooked all kinds of good things for the party after the wedding. She made potatoes, roast beef, baked two fresh loaves of bread, and made a delicious smelling, cabbage soup, which she spooned into a large bowl that Mrs. Larkins had brought, and put a towel over it to keep it fresh and warm. Lastly, she made a beautiful cake, and frosted it with icing made out of creamy white sugar. Cora stared at it in awe, wanting to sneak a lick of the frosting, but she knew it was for the next day, so she left it alone.
Cora helped Mrs.Larkins scrub every inch of the Tenement. Cora's back ached from bending over. She clutched the rag she was washing the floors with, and wiped the sweat from her forehead. She was so tired, but she didn't mind the work. She liked pleasing Rose.

After lunch, Mrs.Larkins, Cora, and Rose sat at the table for a while, as they talked about what Rose and Jack were going to wear.
Mrs.Larkins smiled. "Sid and I still have our old clothes from our wedding. It's been preserved in a trunk all this time. Would you like me to bring it over?" She asked.

Rose smiled. "Thank you so much." She said.
Mrs.Larkins smiled, and got up from the table.
Cora was eager to see the dress Rose would wear. She ran over to the door, to wait for her.
Mrs.Larkins appeared in the doorway, arms full of white and black clothing.
Rose gasped and took the beautiful white wedding dress. It was trimmed with Delicate lace and pearls, which matched the vail.
Cora squealed. She took the vail, and put it on her head. Rose laughed. The vail was so long, it trailed all the way to the floor.
She handed it back to Rose, and she placed it neatly on her bed.

Mrs.Larkins then placed the tuxedo over Cora's bed, which Jack would wear. It even had a tiny bow tie that fastened at the collar.
"I do hope it fits." Mrs.Larkins said.
Rose smiled. "I'm sure it will." She said.

Afterwards, Rose began getting supper ready. Mrs.Larkins and Cora continued to clean the little Tenement.

Someone jiggled the doorknob and Cora looked up from where she was washing the floor. Jack appeared in the doorway, and Cora squealed. She left her soapy, wet, rag on the floor and jumped up to hug him. She was covered with water and sweat,with a huge stain of water on the front of her dress, but she didn't care.
Jack laughed, and picked her up.
"Here's my best girl." He said. Cora laughed.
He stepped over the puddle of soapy water and went over to kiss Rose, and then he shook Mrs.Larkins's hand.
He sat down at the table and put Cora on his lap. She laughed and tucked her hair behind her ear.
"Mrs.Larkins brought over something." She said.
Jack laughed. "She did?" He said. Cora nodded. She slipped off his lap and went over to her bed. She picked up the shirt part of the tuxedo and held it up with a smile on her face.
Jack laughed. He went over to Cora and took it.
He looked at it in awe.
"Thank you very much, ma'am." He said.
Mrs.Larkins patted him on the shoulder and smiled.
"There's no need." She said. Then she looked at Rose. "I'll be back tomorrow bright and early to help you get ready."
Rose smiled. "Thank you, Mrs.Larkins. It is very much appreciated." Rose said.

Mrs.Larkins smiled, and began to walk out the door. As she was walking by, she put something in Cora's hand.
As soon as she had walked out the door, Cora opened her hand.
There was a small, round, peppermint candy. Cora smiled. She ran over to Jack, and held it out to him.
"Mrs.Larkins gave it to me." She said. Jack laughed, and put Cora back on his lap. She put the small candy in her mouth and sucked on it, until Rose put hot bowls of soup on the table for supper.

After supper, Cora went right to sleep because she had to get up early to get ready for the wedding. Cora couldn't wait.

She drifted off to sleep as she listened to Rose softly sing:
"Come Josephine"...

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