Chapter 17~ Kidnapped by Cal

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Cora tried walking faster, but soon enough, Cal was right behind her.
Cora had told Eva and Anne about Cal, so they were scared too.

Cora shivered inside. She felt cold, and her stomach had a sick feeling. She looked up at Cal with worried eyes.
"Where is your guardian?" He asked her.
Cora was confused. She didn't know what a guardian was.
"It means a person who you live with." Anne whispered.
"At... at home." Cora stuttered.
"You shouldn't be walking by yourself. You could get run over by a motorcar." Cal said, stepping closer to Cora and grabbing hold of her arm.
Cora tried to flinch it away, but Cal held on too tight.
Eva tried pulling Cora towards her, and Cal pulled back.
He picked her up slowly, and Cora looked down at Eva and Anne with worried eyes.
"I have my friends! Put me down!" Cora called.
Cal scoffed. "I'll take you home." He said, starting to walk the opposite way, away from Eva and Anne.
"My Tenement is that way!" Cora said, feeling tears in her eyes.
"We aren't going there, darling." Cal said.
He turned the corner,leaving Eva and Anne in the dust.
Cora wanted to scream, but no sounds would come out of her mouth.
"Where are we going?" Cora said. She was crying now.
"Shut up!" Cal said.
Cora began screaming, but not for long. Cal put his hand over her mouth. She squirmed, and kicked, but couldn't get loose.

They came to a dark alleyway, and there was a motor car there.
A lady was sitting in the passenger seat.
"You got her?" She yelled from the car. Cal nodded and laughed. Cora was horrified.

He opened the back door of the car and threw Cora in the back, and closed the door.
He got into the driver's seat, and started the car.

Cora picked herself off the floor, and dusted her skirt. She sat on the back seats and started screaming.

"Shush!" The women screamed.
"Where are we going?" Cora yelled right back.
"To live with us." Cal said.
"But I don't want to!" Cora yelled, in tears.
"It's what's best for you." The lady said.
Cora shook her head, and felt hot tears roll down her face. She turned to the doorknob of the automobile and started fiddling with it until it opened.
She swung the door opened, and jumped off, but she wasn't quick enough. The lady jumped out and grabbed Cora's hand. She picked her up, and Cora kicked and swung her legs.

She threw Cora back in the backseat, and she got back in the passenger seat.
"Let me go!" Cora screamed.
"No!" Cal screamed. "Grab her!"
The lady reached back and held Cora's arm so tightly, she thought it would fall off.

Cal sped down the road, until they came to a gigantic,White House.

Cal and the lady got out of the car, and Cal opened the back door.
He grabbed onto Cora's arm, and practically dragged her into the house.

When they went inside, a maid closed and locked the front door.
Cora immediately went to the door and tried opening it. It wouldn't open. Cora began panicking. What would happen to her?

Cal opened a door to a room right nearby, and threw Cora in it.
She fell on the floor, and dusted her skirt. She looked up at Cal, with tears in her eyes, as he shut the door.
Panic rushed over her. What was happening?

Suddenly, Cora heard yelling from outside. She scurried as fast as she could across the cold, dirty floor.
At the window Cora squealed out of happiness. She saw Jack standing there, banging on the door, Eva and Anne right behind him. Cora knocked on the window to get his attention.
"Cora!" Eva and Anne screamed. They ran over to where she was, with tears in their eyes. Cora had tears in her eyes too.
"Go away!" Cal screamed at Jack.
"She's my daughter!" Jack screamed.
"She's living with me now! It's better for her." Cal said.
"Open the door right now!" Jack yelled.
"No!" Cal replied.
Jack tugged on the doorknob trying to open it.
"I said no!" Cal screamed once more.
Suddenly there was a huge bang, and Jack ran into the house. He had kicked the door down!
"Get out of my house! I won't have you harm Cora Hockley." Cal screamed.
Cora felt disgusted. Her last name wasn't Hockley. It was Dawson, and she liked it that way.

Cal kept screaming, and Cora heard a punch.
She ran to the door of the room she was locked in and started jiggling the doorknob. It was still locked.
She started banging on it, calling through "Uncle Jack, I'm in here!"
She heard footsteps come closer to the door, and hands jiggling the doorknob.
"Step back, Cora. I'm going to kick the door down." Jack said.
Cora stood back, close to the wall. She heard three thuds, and the door came down with a crash.
Cora felt happy tears run down her face as she ran over the door to give Jack a huge hug.
He laughed, and picked her up, and carried her out the door.
He put her down just outside the door, and Eva and Anne came running to hug her.
She noticed Rose standing a few feet back with a blanket over her head. She was probably hiding from Cal, Cora thought.
She ran over to Rose and gave her a huge hug. It was a bit hard to do so, because Rose's stomach was growing with Cora's new baby sibling, but they managed to do so.

The sun was setting as they walked down the dusty street, Jack carrying Cora half asleep, and Eva and Anne holding Rose's hand.

Cora must have fallen asleep, because the next thing she remembered was being tucked into her warm bed, her dolly laying right next to her.

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