Chapter 15~ Baby news

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The next day, after school, Jack was there again to pick Cora up from school. Rose was still at the doctor's office, so when Cora and Jack arrived home, it was extremely quiet.
Cora didn't have much homework, so once she finished, she sat on her bed and played with her doll, while Jack sketched her doing it.
He finished his drawing, and Cora climbed on his lap to take a look at it.
It showed Cora holding her doll out in front of her, and laughing and smiling. Cora didn't say anything. She just stared at the drawing and traced the delicate detail drawn all around it.

After a while of admiring the amazing drawing, Rose opened the door, with a blank, and shocked expression on her face.
Jack stood up, and so did Cora. He rushed over to her.
"What's the matter?" He asked, guiding Rose over to a chair.
She sat down, trembling, and stuttered.
"I... I'm pregnant!"
Jack was shocked for a moment and then smiled.
"You're pregnant! Oh-!"
He hugged Rose, and Cora smiled and jumped up and down, clapping her hands.
"When is it due?" Jack asked.
"Some time in the beginning of October!" Rose replied. She had happy tears in her eyes. "But Jack, there's something I need to tell you." She said.
"What's wrong?" Jack asked.
"It's Cal's baby." She said.
Jack shrugged. "That doesn't matter at all." He said.
Rose smiled and kissed him.
Cora squealed and scurried onto Jack's lap.
"Would you like to feel it kick?" Rose asked Cora.
She nodded, and leaned over and put her hand on Rose's stomach.
Suddenly she felt a little kick. She squealed and jumped up. Rose and Jack laughed.

Cora couldn't stop smiling. She would be a big sister again. Rose and Jack would be happy because they had another baby. Cora could hardly wait to tell her classmates at school the next day.

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