Chapter 4~ Pauline and Lucy

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Cora awoke to the sound of fiddling with pots and pans a few hours later. She looked at the small clock over the stove that Rose was cooking at, and it read "11:23" . The sunlight shone through the small window.
"Good morning, Cora!" Rose said, putting a slice of bread with cheese on the table for her breakfast.
Cora went to sit at the table with her dolly.
"Where's Uncle Jack?" Cora asked, taking a bite.
"He went out to find a job." Rose replied, flipping through a newspaper.
"I have an audition today" she said.
Cora gasped. "Your going to become an actress?"
Rose nodded her head. "It's a movie called 'True Love'."
Cora giggled. "Does Uncle Jack know?" She asked.
"Yes, I'm going to audition today at 1 o'clock. Would you like to come along?" Rose asked.
Cora nodded her head. She was to stunned to speak. She stared at the chipping paint on the wall and couldn't stop smiling. Rose laughed.
"I suppose that's a yes!" She said. Cora nodded and laughed.

After breakfast, Cora put on her best dress. It was purple with lace on the hem.
"Come over here, Cora. I'll brush your hair." Rose said.
Cora finished tying on her shoe, and walked over to Rose, and stood in front of her while Rose brushed her hair.
After, Cora put on her Coat, and her little red hat. She was all ready, and took Rose's hand.
She leaped down the creaky stairs of the Tenement, and held her nose to block the foul smell of the garbage that drifted down the hallway.
The sunlight hit Cora on her face, when she opened the door.
They walked down to the end of the street to where the trolley was waiting.
Rose payed the man five cents, and they took a seat on one of the benches in the trolley, Cora sitting on Rose's lap.
The trolley stopped, and Rose and Cora got off the car, and walked to a tall building. Rose opened the door, and a little bell swung on the top, and made a noise. Cora laughed.

Rose and Cora walked until they saw a sign that said "Auditions", and sat on a sofa outside of the room.
Cora looked around at the glamorous room and smiled as wide as can be.
Suddenly a man came out and said to Rose,
"Are you here for the 'True Love' audition?"
"Yes I am." Rose replied, standing up, so did Cora.
The man laughed when he saw Cora.
"Is this your daughter?" He asked Rose.
"Yes." Rose said without hesitating.
Cora smiled wide, and looked up at Rose.
"We actually need a little actress to play Pauline's little sister, Lucy." He said. "Would you like to try out after your mom tries out for her part?"
Cora laughed and said, "Yes, Sir. Thank you."
Rose went in, and Cora sat on the Sofa outside the room, waiting patiently.
After Rose came out, she looked at Cora, and nodded her head.
Cora went in, very nervous.
"What's your name?" The man said to Cora.
Cora sat down in a chair, in front of a big table, right by the man. A big camera stood in front of her. "Cora Dawson." She said very quietly.
"Have you had any acting experience?" He asked.
Cora shook her head no.
He put a piece of paper, and put it on the table.
"Read this, and pretend I'm filming." He said to Cora.
She picked up the piece of paper, and read the lines in her best acting voice, and used her best face expression.
The man smiled when Cora had finished.
"I'll just give this tape to the director, and let you know in a few minutes. You can go back in the lobby with your mother."
Cora went out, and went to sit with Rose.
"I'm so nervous!" Cora exclaimed.
Rose laughed and squeezed her hand.
Suddenly the man walked out and Cora and Rose stood up.
"Welcome to the acting world Pauline and Lucy." He smiled.
It took Cora a second to realize he meant that they got the parts! Cora jumped up and down, and hugged Rose.
She couldn't even thank the man, she was too excited.
Rose shook his hand and thanked him. Cora could just smile.
"Oh Mama and Daddy. If only you could see me now." Cora thought.
The man went back into the room, and took out two dollar bills.
"This is your pay. Mrs.Dawson, you get $1.50, and little Cora, you get fifty cents, because you have a small part." He said handing Rose the money.
Rose thanked the man, and they walked back to the street to get onto the Trolly.
Cora couldn't believe she was an actress!
It was dark now, they were at the audition place for so long.
Cora leaned against Rose and felt her eyelids get heavy. She felt so happy.

After the trolly stopped, they walked up several flights of stairs back up to their garbage smelling tenement. Uncle Jack was sitting at the table drawing in his sketchbook.
"Uncle Jack!" Cora exclaimed and ran to him. She gave him a big hug, and sat on his lap.
"Rose and I are actresses!" She exclaimed.
Jack looked shocked.
"I have a big part in the movie 'True Love'. I play Pauline, and Cora is going to play Lucy, my little sister." Rose said.
Jack smiled and hugged Rose. "Congratulations!" He exclaimed.
Rose began to get supper ready, and Cora drew with Jack.
At supper Jack said;
"Your going to start at school on Monday, Cora!"
Cora was shocked. She hadn't ever been to school in her life. Her Mama has taught her how to read, write, and do sums, but she wasn't ready for school, was she?
Cora nodded her head, but felt nervous. She didn't want to go to school, but didn't tell Jack and Rose that.
After supper, Cora got into her nightgown, and sat with Jack and drew, while Rose knitted a pair of socks.
At last, Rose said it was time for her bedtime.
Cora yawned and, let Jack carry her to bed.
Rose tucked the blanked over her chest, and handed her her dolly.
"Thank you." Cora said.
Rose smiled and kissed Cora on her forehead, just like her Mama used to do to her.
Soon, Cora fell asleep.

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