Chapter 9~ Another Titanic Survivor

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Two days later, it was a warm Wednesday. The sun was shining blindly through the small window, and Cora felt sweat arrange on her forehead. She kicked off her blanket and got dressed.
"Good morning, Cora!" Rose and Jack said together at the same time. Cora giggled.
"Good morning!" She said.
"Don't forget to tell your teacher that you won't be in class tomorrow because you have to film the movie!" Rose said, putting a piece of bread with cheese on a plate for Cora's breakfast.
Cora sat down and nodded her head, and took a big bite of her breakfast.
When she had finished, she washed it down with huge gulps of milk, and grabbed her books tied with the leather belt.
"Bye, Rose!" Cora said, giving her a hug. Jack was standing by the door and Cora hurried to catch up with him. They were both leaving at the same time, and Cora was going to stop at Anne's tenement to walk to school with her.
Cora took Jack's hand and skipped down the stairs, and through the door. She walked past the few buildings, until she saw Anne vigorously opening the door to her building.
"Hi, Cora!" Anne said, waving. Cora waved back and Anne hurried over to her.
"Hi, Jack!" Anne said to Jack. Jack smiled and said "Hello!"
Then he bent over and kissed and hugged Cora.
"Have a good day." He said.
"Bye, Uncle Jack!" Cora said, as she began walking in the opposite direction, towards the school.
Anne and Cora held hands and skipped along the dusty, smelly streets.
Cora had already told Anne about her acting job for tomorrow. Anne couldn't stop screaming out of joy when she heard. Cora giggles inside thinking about it.

"Look, there's a new girl." Anne said, when they had reached the classroom.
"Sit down, everyone, please!" Mrs. Bouman said.
Cora heard what the teacher said, but she walked up to her desk.
"Mrs.Bouman, I won't be here tomorrow." Cora said.
"Oh, is something wrong?" She asked.
Cora laughed. "No. My Aunt Rose and I are going to film a movie tomorrow."
Mrs.Bouman started smiling. Cora sat back down, and she stood up.
"Class, I have an exciting announcement! Our own Ms. Cora Dawson is going to be in a movie tomorrow!"
The class started clapping, and Cora's face turned red.
"Yea, right." A boy called from behind. His name was William, and he was mean. "What's it called then, Cora?"
"True Love!" Anne shouted back at him before Cora could answer. "She told me all about it! Her Aunt Rose is going to be Pauline and Cora is going to be Lucy!" She stuck her tongue out at him.
Mrs.Bouman patted Anne's shoulder.
"We're all very happy for Cora, but let's settle down now. We have a new student! Ms. Eva Hart." Mrs.Bouman said. "Eva, please stand up and tell us about yourself."
The new girl stood up and began talking with a British accent, just like Cora had.
"I was born in England, and went onto the Titanic to come to America with my Father and Mother. I was in second class. On the night of the sinking, when I was going into a lifeboat, my father said 'hold Mummy's hand and be a good girl.' And I did, but I didn't see him again." Eva said quietly.
Mrs.Bouman was quiet too.
"Thank you for sharing your story, Eva." Mrs.Bouman said.
Eva nodded her head, and sat down, her face turning red. Cora understood just how she felt. Cora felt the same way when she had to stand up in front of the whole class and speak.

At lunch, Cora walked outside with Anne. They were on their way to their usual spot. The small pile of bricks in the alleyway between the school, that was perfect for sitting on.
To Cora's shock, Eva was sitting there and crying alone. Cora and Anne sat next to her.
"What's wrong?" Cora asked her.
Eva wiped her tears.
"Nothing." She said.
Cora pulled out the three cookies that she had in her lunch pail. She gave one to Anne,and put one in front of Eva.
"Would you like a cookie?" She asked her.
Eva smiled. "Thank you." She said.
The three girls ate their cookies, and then Anne spoke up.
"When did you arrive in America?" She asked.
"Thursday evening." Eva said.
"I did too! How come you didn't start school on Monday?" Cora asked.
"My mama didn't think I was ready." Eva said, giggling a little.
"Where do you live?" Anne asked.
"Orchard street." Eva replied.
"Anne and I live there too! Maybe we can play together!" Cora exclaimed. Eva smiled.
"You are from England, yes?" Eva asked Cora.
"Yes. I was on the Titanic, just like you." Cora replied.
Eva's face fell. "Oh." She said "What class were you in? I don't remember you!" She said, then laughing a little.
"I was in Third Class." Cora said.
Eva nodded her head. "Your family survived?"
Cora's face fell. She felt tears in her eyes. "No." She said. "My Mama and daddy drowned behind a gate that was locked, but there was an opening and I was able to slip through and I ran up on top to the deck."
"Who do you live with?" Eva asked.
"My Uncle Jack and Aunt Rose." Cora replied, catching cookie crumbs with her finger.
"Oh. It's just my Mummy and I." Eva said sadly.
Cora smiled at her to try to make her feel better. Then she had an idea.
"My Uncle Jack and Aunt Rose are getting married this Sunday! I'll ask if you and your Mummy can come?" She said smiling.
Eva smiled too. "Yes, I'd like that!" She replied. She paused for a moment and then said, "You're an actress?"
Cora blushed. "Well, Yes. I suppose. I have a small part in a movie called 'True Love'"
Eva gasped. "Cora, that's amazing!" She said, giving Cora a big hug.

Eva, Cora, and Anne walked home together, all holding hands. Cora's tenement was closer to the school then Anne and Eva's were, so she left first.
"Bye, Cora!" Anne and Eva called from the street. Cora waved at them and hurried up the stairs.
Rose was waiting at the door with a towel in her hand when Cora came up. She gave her a big hug and picked her up.
"Did you have a good day?" Rose asked.
Cora nodded her head. "There's a new girl named Eva who was on the Titanic Just like us. May her and her Mummy come to the wedding?"
Rose smiled and nodded her head. "Let's ask Uncle Jack." She said.
"Okay." Cora replied.
There was an old lady scrubbing the table.
"Cora,come say hello to Mrs.Larkins." Rose said.
"Hello." Cora said, feeling shy. She hit behind Rose's skirts.
Mrs.Larkins laughed. "Nice to meet you, Cora. From what your Aunt Rose has told me, you seem like a very nice little girl." She said, bending down a little bit to meet Cora's eyes, with her own. She held her hand out to shake Cora's, and Cora shook it. She smiled, not feeling as shy anymore.
Mrs.Larkins stood up.
"I think it's best time I get going. I'll see you Friday, darling." She said to Rose.
"Thank you so much for coming." Rose said. She patted Cora's head and said, "Say goodbye, Cora."
Cora waved goodbye to her. Mrs.Larkins smiled, and waved back.
Cora sat on her bed and played with her dolly, until she saw the door open.
Rose was just dishing up supper, when Jack came.
"Uncle Jack!" Cora called, jumping into his arms. He hugged her, and picked her up and laughed. He brought her over to the table and pulled out a chair. He set Cora in it, and went to kiss Rose.

Rose told Jack all about Eva, and he said she and her Mother could come! Cora was so happy she could hardly finish her meal.

After supper, Cora sat on Jack's lap and did her homework. After she finished, she sat, while holding her dolly, feeling her eyelids get heavy.

Then he tucked her in bed and kissed her on her forehead, while Rose sang softly overhead.

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