Chapter 14~ Run-in with Cal

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After school, Jack was there to Pick Cora up, like he said. He had to go to one of the street sellers to pick Rose up a loaf of bread, so Cora didn't walk with her friends.
She held Jack's hand and skipped down the dusty sidewalk of the streets.
There were peddlers on both sides of the streets selling things from food, to clothes.
Jack walked up to one of them that was selling the bread, and gave him a dime. The man gave Jack a loaf of bread in return. The peddler smiled at Cora, and she smiled back.

Jack took Cora's hand again, and she skipped along once more.

Halfway down the street, someone yelled from behind.
"Dawson!" They said.
Cora swung her head around to see who it was, and so did Jack.
Cora recognized the person, but couldn't remember where she knew him from. As he walked closer, she realized it was Caldon Hockley, Rose's rude, and scary fiancé from Titanic.
Cora squeezed Jack's hand tighter and looked up at Cal.
"Dawson." He said. "I didn't know you survived."
Jack narrowed his eyes. "I didn't think you did either." He replied.
Cal did a deep laugh. Cora could tell it was a fake one.
He bent down to Cora's eye level.
"And who is this little one?" He said.
Cora narrowed her eyes, just like Jack did. "I'm his best girl, Cora." She said.
Cal laughed again. He reached out, and tried to pinch Cora's cheek. She slapped his hand, and went to hide behind Jack.
Cal gave her a dirty look. Cora felt scared.
"How's my fiancé?" He said to Jack.
"She's not your fiancé." Jack said.
Cal squinted. "Oh, she isn't, is she? Why's that?"
Jack bit his lip. "She didn't make it." He said.
Cora was confused. She didn't understand what he meant.
"That's a shame." Cal replied. Jack nodded his head, still holding Cora's hand. Cora was still scared, and hiding behind Jack.
"And how do you know this little girl." Cal said, speaking of Cora.
"We met on the Titanic. Her parents sadly perished in the sinking." Jack replied.
Cal nodded and smiled. "She lives with you?" He asked.
Jack nodded.
"I don't think that's best for a little girl." Cal said.
"What are you talking about?" Jack replied.
"I mean, you're most likely not able to have a stable income. It would be best for the little one to live with me and my new wife, until her real relatives can claim her." Cal said.
Cora felt tears in her eyes. She didn't want to live with Cal!
"There is no need. Cora is quite happy here with us." Jack replied. Cora nodded.
"Mhmm." Cal replied. "Whatever. It's your loss. I'll see you later, at the Court date." He said, walking away.
Jack nodded his head.

Cora tugged at his suspenders, and he picked her up.
"Do I have to go live with Cal?" She asked. Jack laughed.
"Of course not!" He said.
Cora smiled, and laughed herself.
"What was Cal talking about? What court date?" Cora asked.
"White star Line is asking Titanic survivors to appear at court to talk about the sinking on Saturday." Jack said.
"Oh." Cora said.

After supper that evening, Rose took out her knitting, while Jack sketched in his sketchbook, and Cora sat on his lap doing homework.
He told Rose about the run-in with Cal, and about the court hearing about the titanic's sinking.
"Should we go?" Rose asked Jack.
"I'm thinking of going." Jack said.
Rose nodded. "I'd go, I'm just nervous about running into Cal."
She sighed and put her head against the back of her chair.

"Are you feeling alright?" Jack asked Rose. She had been looking strangely tired lately, and her stomach was swollen.
"No, not really." Rose replied. "I actually made an appointment with the doctor tomorrow. You may have to pick Cora up from school tomorrow, my appointment is later in the day."
Jack nodded. "Of course." He said.

After a while, Rose told Cora it was time for bed.
Cora slipped off her dress and put on her nightgown. She crawled into her warm bed, and hugged her dolly close. She missed it all day when she was at school.
Jack and Rose kissed her, and Cora drifted off to sleep as Rose sang 'Come Josephine' to her, Cora's favorite song.

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