Chapter 8~ Wedding News

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Rose passed Jack and Cora their bowls of potatoes, and sat down.
"Cora, we have some exciting news!" Rose said. Jack took Rose's hand and smiled at Rose.
Cora put down her spoon.
"What is it?" She said. She felt excited.
"Rose and I have decided to use the rest of Cal's money he left, for a wedding! Rose and I thought it was about time that we got married!" Jack said.
Cora was shocked. She stood up and began cheering. Rose and Jack smiled with happy tears in their eyes, and Cora began to cry tears of joy also.
"When will it be?" Cora asked, wiping her tears and smiling.
"We think this Sunday will be a good day." Jack said.
Cora smiled wide.
"We want to keep it small, so we decided we're going to invite the elderly lady and her husband next door. She seems very nice and helped me clean the tenement this morning. And Cora, would you like to ask Bridget, Molly, and Anne if their families would like to come after church ?" Rose said.
Cora nodded.
"Bridget has two brothers and her mother and father. Molly has a mother, a little brother, and a little sister, and Anne has an older brother and a baby sister, along with her parents, so that means 14 people." Cora said.
Rose and Jack nodded.
"Plus Mr and Mrs.Larkins next door." Rose reminded her.
Cora nodded. "So sixteen! Oh, I can't wait!" Cora cheered.

After supper she sat at the table and began doing her homework. It took Cora a long time to finish because she kept daydreaming about the amazing things that would be happening that week. Cora wouldn't be at school on Thursday because that was the day Rose and her had to go down to the set to film their movie! She couldn't wait to tell the class! Would she be famous?
Then on Sunday, she would go to Rose and Jack's wedding! Cora could hardly wait for the adventures that waited ahead!

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