Chapter 13~ Lost Jobs

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The next morning, Rose was glum.
After Rose and Jack opened their presents from the wedding, Rose sat at the table and looked sad.
Cora rushed over to her.
"What's wrong?" Jack asked her. Cora hugged her. Rose smiled weakly and hugged her back.
"Wednesday was my last day." She finally said.
Cora was confused, and she could tell so was Jack.
"What do you mean?" Jack said.
Rose sighed.
"They fired me from the factory." She said.
"What?" Jack exclaimed. "Why?"
"I was missing too many days of work because of my acting." She said.
Jack hugged her.
"It's okay." He said. "Don't worry, we'll manage. I know we will."
Cora smiled and hugged Rose. She pulled her into her lap and smiled.
"I feel better." She said.
Jack smiled and stood up.
"That's great!" He said. Then he turned to Cora. "I don't think my best girl wants to be late, does she?" He said.
Cora laughed, and grabbed her books and her tin lunch pail. She took Jack's hand and skipped down the stairs.

They walked for a bit, and then Jack said;
"Cora, I have something to tell you."
Cora felt nervous for a second. She nodded her head.
"You know how Rose lost her job?" He asked. Cora nodded again.
"Well I'm going to lose mine also, on Friday." He said.
Cora gasped. "Why?" She exclaimed.
Jack squeezed her hand. "They don't need as many workers anymore." He said.
Cora was shocked. She felt tears well in her eyes. She tried to hide them, but failed to do so.
"Now, don't cry." Jack said. He bent down, and looked Cora in the eye.
"We're going to be fine, I promise." He said. Cora nodded and hugged him.
They walked along, until they got to Anne's building.
She came out and waved to Cora. Cora limply waved.
Jack smiled.
"I'll pick my best girl up after school." He said. Cora smiled, laughed, and waved, as he walked down the dusty sidewalk.

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