Chapter 3~ Shopping

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They walked a little further, until they reached the pedelars, that sold anything from fruit to music books.
First they got some food. Cheese, bread, butter, potatoes, milk and some fresh meat. Then, they walked a little farther to a small shop that sold dresses, hats, and shoes.
When they walked in, Cora immediately ran over to where they sold the dolls. They were so beautiful, Cora could of looked for ages.
"Cora!" Rose called.
Cora had to leave the beautiful dolls and run to Rose, where she was looking at hats.
"Pick a hat, darling." She said to Cora.
Cora smiled, and looked around. There were so many hats, how could Cora just choose one?
She finally picked a hat that looked very much similar to her old one. It was a flat red one, with a feather on top.
Cora held it as Rose picked one for herself, and then they walked over to the dresses.
Cora and Rose both needed another everyday dress, and a special dress that they would wear to church and special occasions.
Cora picked a beautiful purple one with lace on the bottom, to be her best dress, and got another dress which was red, which was to be her other everyday dress. Rose also got a frilly pink one for her best, and a blue one for her everyday. Cora smiled, as she held all the things she was getting. She and Rose placed them on the counter.
As they were waiting for the store clerk to come out, Cora noticed the open newspaper on it with the headline "Titanic sinks, leaving hundreds dead!"
Cora shivered inside. She wanted to forget about that horrible day which left her parents dead.

Finally the store clerk came to the counter, and checked out all the stuff.
"Enjoy, young ladies." He said, smiling at Cora.
Cora smiled back, and Rose said,
"Thank you."

Cora held Rose's hand as they walked out of the stores door.

Cora slumped against Rose as they walked home. The rain drummed on her head. Cora was so tired. It was about 6 o'clock in the early morning. Cora had been up all night.
Jack picked her up, and carried her all the way back home.  She fell asleep, but woke up when he placed her in her bed.
Cora sat up slightly, but then fell back down in her bed.
As she was drifting off to sleep, she heard Jack say;
"I'm going to go out looking for a job."
"But you haven't slept yet." Rose said.
Jack laughed, took a piece of bread and said;
"That's alright. Don't worry about me Rose, I'm fine!" And he left.
Rose lay down on the bed and fell asleep and so did Cora.

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