Chapter 24~ The Birth

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"Ahh!! Jack! Help me!" Rose Shrieked. Cora rose up in bed.
She rubbed her sleepy eyes and called out "Mama!"

Jack rushed to Cora's side and pulled her out of bed. He sat on the edge of the bed and put Cora in his lap.
"What's the matter?" Jack asked her.
Rose pointed to her stomach. "The... The baby... The baby is coming!" She stuttered.
Jack was quiet for a minute, and then he smiled.
Nan got out of bed and grabbed her shoes.
"I'll get the doctor." She said.
"No." Jack said. "I'll go, you stay here with Rose."
Nan smiled. "Very well then." She said.

Jack put his shoes on, and opened the door. Just as he was about to leave, Cora called out;
"Uncle Jack, can I come too?"
Jack laughed and nodded.
He took a blanked, wrapped Cora in it, and scooped her up.

He ran down several blocks on the way to the doctors office, and then pounded on the door.
The doctor opened the door quickly.
"What's wrong?" He asked. He noticed Cora, and smiled at her. Cora would have smiled back, but she was too worried for Rose. Instead, she just looked at him with wide eyes.
"Rose is in labor. The baby is coming!" Jack said, picking Cora up again.

The doctor ran to the side of the building to his horse and carriage. He opened the door to the cab and Jack tossed Cora inside of it, and then climbed in himself.

Cora sat on the leather seat next to Jack, and began biting at her nails. She was so nervous for Rose. She looked up at Jack and Noticed he had tears in his eyes. Seeing that, Cora began to cry too.

Jack noticed and hugged her.
"Rose is going to be fine, I promise." He said. "No matter what happens, you're still my best girl, Cora."

Now, Cora felt a little better. She hugged Jack back, and put her head on his shoulder.

The cab came to a haunting stop, and Jack flung the door to the cab open. Jack grabbed Cora, and the three of them ran up the stairs to the Tenement.

The doctor opened his tool bag, and looked at Cora and Nan.
"Maybe someone should take her outside." He said.
Nan nodded. "Come along, darling." She said, pushing Cora gently on the back.

Cora was a little mad. She wanted to stay in, but she obeyed her grandmother and ran down the stairs.

She sat with her grandmother on the edge of the sidewalk and watched horses and wagons go by.
Cora hunched against her grandmother and cuddled her doll close. She was so worried about Rose. Would she be alright after the birth? Would the baby still be here? Cora's Mama Had sadly died in the sinking of the Titanic, had lost a baby while giving birth.

The worries crept inside Cora's mind and stayed there the whole time.

After what seemed like hours, Cora heard footsteps from behind her. She swung her head around and saw Jack standing there.

Excited, Cora stood up and ran to Jack. He picked her up and gave her a big hug.
"Would you like to see the baby?" He asked.
Cora nodded with a giant grin on her face.

Jack carries her quietly inside, and Nan opened the door for her.

Rose was sitting up in the bed, holding- not one- but two tiny babies.

Cora squealed and ran over to her.
"Cora darling, meet your new sibling. Josephine and William. Rose said.

Cora leaned over the bed, and put her hand on the baby girl's head. She had the tiniest bit of chestnut brown hair, just like Cora. So did the baby boy.

Jack came, and brought over a chair. She sat down, and put Cora in his lap.

Nan sat on the edge of Rose's bed and took the baby boy in her arms.

Cora looked over at Rose, then Nan, her new baby siblings Josephine and William, and at last at Jack.

She giggled and leaned against him.

For the first time in quite a while, Cora was very much happy.

                               The end

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