Chapter 22~ Work with Jack

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It was now late June. The School year had ended, and Cora was now at home everyday.
Rose wasn't working, and since Jack was out of a job, he would take his sketchbook and go to the end of the street and sketch people for a small price.

As he was getting ready, he turned to Cora and said;
"It's a very nice day out. Would you like to come to work with me?"
Cora perked up, and nodded her head. She grabbed her dolly and hurried out the door, Jack right behind her.

He opened the door for her, and Cora took his hand, and skipped down the street.

They made it to the end of the street, and Jack sat down on an empty crate on the ground. Cora sat on his lap, and watched him doodle a little girl that came by.

When Jack had finished the drawing, the girl gave him a dime, and hurried off with her drawing.

After a while, and several drawings later, Jack and Cora went back up the stairs for lunch.

After lunch, they went back to the small crate, and while Jack drew, Cora played with her dolly. For now, she was getting a bit tired of just sitting there and doing nothing, but she liked spending time with Jack.

Eventually, Jack said it was time to go back home. Cora picked herself off the floor and nipped back up the stairs.

Back in the Tenement, Rose said to Jack "Since the days are longer, why don't you take Cora down to Coney Island?"
Jack nodded and smiled. "I think that's a great idea? What do you say, Cora?" He asked, gently tickling her.

Cora giggled and said "yes please!

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