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"I still haven't had my first kiss," Chaeyoung whined. All of their friends had gathered for a sleepover and they were sharing tea.

Songhee smirked. "I bet Jiwoo would do it," she announced. The girl froze as everyone turned to look at her. "I mean, it wouldn't be a big deal for her, she's kissed plenty of people. Even me!"

The group muttered both in agreement and confusion. Finally, Sana spoke up. "Jiwoo, you just turned 14. Why have you kissed so many people?"

"Just my friends," she clarified. "They asked me to. I'm just being a good friend."

"So be a good friend and kiss Chaeyoung, help her get her first kiss out of the way with someone she's cool with." Jiwoo nervously shrugged and walked to the other side of the room where Chaeyoung sat. She gently tilted the girl's head up and connected their lips. It was brief, but it was enough to leave Chaeyoung speechless and the rest of the girls whooping and cheering.

Jiwoo nervously returned to her seat, feeling a bit odd for having done that in front of so many people. Her overthinking was interrupted by Simyeong suddenly announcing that they would be playing 'Seven Minutes in Heaven'.

"Who's first?"

Songhee cleared her throat. "Yiyeon and..." she looked around, scanning the group. "Jiwoo." Everyone giggled as the two walked away, locking themselves in the bathroom.

"I don't really know what to do," Jiwoo admitted, "I've never played this game. Do we just, like, talk or something?"

Yiyeon smiled and brushed Jiwoo's hair behind her ear. "I have a better idea," she purred. She slammed the younger girl against the door and kissed her.

Outside, the other girls were discussing who would be paired up next.

"Why'd you pick those two?" Jihyo asked.

Songhee rolled her eyes. "Duh," she said, "Because Yiyeon likes Jiwoo, and Jiwoo's easy."

Jihyo didn't like that answer. "Jiwoo is young. Don't mistake her naivety for something else. You're her best friend; shouldn't you be trying to protect her from all this stuff?"

"Whatever," Songhee scoffed, "I'm being a good friend. I'm helping both of them."

Meanwhile, in the bathroom, Jiwoo was just counting down the time. She was still backed against the door, with the older girl on her knees in front of her. "Hey– ow! I think- I think the seven minutes are—"

"No," Yiyeon said, "We're not done here." She ignored the girl in front of her squirming in discomfort, instead focusing on working her hands properly beneath Jiwoo's skirt.

Jiwoo gasped. "I don't think I like this," she said, her voice strained. "You're kind of... hurting me. Your nails are too long and you're – ow, shit! You're being too aggressive. Please, stop." Tears welled in her eyes as she prayed someone would arrive and tell them time was up. But no one did. So she stayed there backed against the door, clenching her fists as she tried not to cry, both from pain and frustration. She shut her eyes tight and let her friend continue to do whatever she wanted.

Yiyeon smiled as tears finally escaped Jiwoo's eyes. She completely misunderstood those tears, believing them to be from pleasure rather than pain. "Good, baby," she cooed, "That was fast. You're such a good friend for doing this with me. Now let's go back to the group." She fixed Jiwoo's skirt and wiped away her tears before confidently strutting back to the party.

Jiwoo followed slowly with her head down.

She was ashamed, but at least she had made her friends happy.

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